A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of this story! I hope you all have been enjoying this story to the fullest! The story is nearing its end, and you all will be sad for this story to not get anymore chapters. But worry not, because you all can keep up on what Izumi does in another story called Female Izuku in Highschool DXD! The ship in that story is IzumixSairaorg, and I want you all to read that story as well. It's on a hiatus at the moment until I get back to it. Let's begin.
(Play clip starting when All Might speaks here.)
'(Sugiwa Kimida)' All Might's voice rung in Izumi's mind as she came across a massive horde of villains. 'It's all up to me, to make sure that everything doesn't fall. I have to push myself even further beyond in order to become the Symbol of Peace, like All Might.' Izumi thought to herself.
She ran across the courtyard of Heights Alliance as she fought some of the villains, Ochako not far behind her. She sent a 25% powered kick to one of the villain's head as they fell to the ground knocked out, Ochako came up behind her as he used Gunhead Martial arts to flip multiple around with his quirk. Running towards the massive army heading their way, the duo had used strategy and cunning in order to fight each of their opponents. Jumping from tree to tree, Izumi had moved through the forest as she took down multiple MLA villains.
As Izumi ran ahead of Ochako leaving the boy behind, she found herself standing in front of a certain villain who had caused her to pause. They stood over them at around 5'11, had blue skin as well as had a group of villains behind her as she smirked in Izumi's direction. Her black sclera and green irises were smugly appraising her as she took a few steps towards Izumi with her hands splayed out. Her mind running at a million miles an hour, Izumi manages to dodge the swipe the woman threw at her as she kicked her in the gut with her steel toe boots.
"*CAGH! * D-Damn it! W-Why didn't my quirk work!?" She called out, as Izumi immediately jumped from all the trees surrounding herself. "Your quirk works from your hands, right?" Izumi asked, as her voice was heard all over the forestry. "What about it?" The woman asked.
A kick came from behind the woman as she spun around to swipe at Izumi, who had already moved around her using Blackwhip and slammed it into the woman's face. Landing on a tree branch nearby, Izumi smirked at the woman as she pulled her black tendril towards herself wrapping the woman up. As soon as she was face to face with Izumi, the woman noticed the toxic green color they were showing as small bursts of electricity were moving about her face.
"Because, I have a friend who has a five-finger touch quirk. I figured that you'd be the same, with a much less detriment in your quirk activation, so I just avoided your hand." Izumi said, punching the woman with her gloved hand knocking her out.
With Izumi and Ochako moving through the forest after taking down the blue skinned woman's group, they found Midnight having been in the middle of a fight, heavily injured. She was punched in the face and sent into a nearby tree as she coughed out some blood from the injury. Izumi and Ochako went in to assist their teacher as they knocked the other villains who were making their way towards her out. Landing in front of their Modern Art History Teacher, they looked over her as they noticed the number of injuries she held on her.
"Midnight-sensei, are you alright?" Izumi asked, as she picked the woman up on her back. "I'm fine... just need to get to the others." Midnight called out coughing. "We need to get you to the UA building; at least have you get healed by Recovery Girl!" Ochako said, as he helped Izumi. "Don't worry about me, I'm supposed to p-protect you." Midnight stated. "Well, who will protect you when you are nearly dead?" Izumi asked, as they arrived at the school building. "You know... I won't even answer that." Midnight said, with a weary sigh. "Recovery Girl!" Izumi called out, as the old woman ran over. "What happened dearie?" She asked. "Midnight-sensei was injured in the fight! We need her healed up!" Ochako said, worriedly. "Don't worry, she will be ready soon. Just leave her with me." Recovery Girl said, as she placed the taller woman on a cot.
As the two students rushed through the building in search of Principal Nezu's office they rounded the corner when they found the hallway on fire. Rushing as fast as they could, the room where the Principal was supposed to be located had blown up throwing the two on the wall nearby.
Getting up from the ground the two looked at who had entered through the doorway and found a certain individual who had black hair with white tips. He was covered in scars as he smirked at them both with a mirth in his eyes as blue fire had floated into the air. It was Dabi, apparently, he betrayed Shigaraki Tomura with joining the Meta Liberation Army and had apparently taken out the principal. Getting Uraraka off the ground, Izumi glared at Dabi as the young man looked at her with a scrutinizing gaze. He let out a sigh before putting his hand behind his back and pulling something out.
It was Principal Nezu, and he was smiling at the two of them with something they both didn't wish to think was him joining the MLA. The Principal noticing their look slowly turning fearful just gave them a small smile that showed that he was not betraying them.
"Hello Midoriya and Uraraka! How can I be of assistance?!" Nezu said, as he threw his hands into the air. "H-How!? T-The room was on fire! A-And Dabi is supposed to be a villain... right?" Izumi asked, concerned. "Don't worry, I managed to get Dabi-kun here to betray the League of Villains and have him on the inside of the MLA to give me information about their attack patterns. It was how I was capable of countering the MLA attack on this school by the way." Nezu said, as Izumi just sighed. "Is there anything else we should be worried about sir?" Ochako asked. "Well, there is one thing you two should be definitely worried about." Nezu said, with a cackle. "Izu-kun! Ochan!" A familiar feminine voice called out from behind them.
Turning around immediately in a fighting stance, Izumi and Ochako noticed Toga standing there rushing towards them with her arms splayed open. She glomped them into a massive hug, as the two Gender bent boy/girls had been struggling to figure out what in the world was happening. Shouldn't Toga be a villain like Dabi was? What in the world was happening right now!? As Toga pulled away from the two, she immediately noticed the new genders of the two as she happily danced around the two.
"I can't believe that we're back together again! I hope that we can work together in defeating the MLA!" Toga said, as Izumi rubbed her eyes. "Toga-san? What are you doing here?" Ochako asked, worriedly. "I came here because Nezu told me that if I could help him out with this all of my charges would be dropped! Also, I could become a Hero for those with Villainous Quirks!" Toga said, with her smile.
Izumi noticed how true the smile was as she felt her own face morphing into a smile of its own, Ochako not far behind. They both really liked how Toga's smile showed her real face, as well as her true feelings. They both really liked how they showed her pointed vampire teeth and somehow the brightness from the girl was causing them to blush slightly.
"What should we do Principal?" Izumi asked, looking at the diminutive animal. "Well we should probably clear this up with Rikiya Yotsubashi. He will be nearing the end of his fight with All Might, hopefully we haven't lost any good teachers within our school." Nezu said, as everyone rushed down the hall.
Making their way outside, Izumi noticed how the teachers were surrounding one of the villains on the ground. Rikiya was in front of the others preparing for an attack that would most assuredly kill her mentor and immediately took off. Flying through the air, she landed a kick on the man's face, hearing the words he was talking about before she yelled out smash.
"Finally, the Meta Liberation Army will have its revenge! And nobody will be able to stop us-" Rikiya spoke before being interrupted. "SMASH!" Izumi screamed as Re-Destro's body was sent flying. "I WILL END YOU, BITCH!" Rikiya screamed out as he covered himself with his quirk.
The two flew at one another as they exchanged blows against one another. Izumi dodged Rikiya's attacks as she swiftly used Blackwhip in order to wrap around the man's very large arm and swing around to kick him in the face. Staggering backwards, Rikiya had thrown another punch towards Izumi who dodged to the right as she swung a fist up towards his elbow as a crack was heard from it.
"GYAAAAAHAAAAA!" Rikiya screamed in agony, holding his broken arm. "You really shouldn't have attacked UA, Re-Destro." Izumi said, as the man looked to her. "What makes you think that I'm alone?" He asked, with a smug smile. "What makes you think that your friends have defeated our teachers?" Izumi said, sending a fist to his face.
Rikiya was immediately knocked out of his quirks monster form as he tumbled across the grounds of UA. Izumi appeared above him as she slammed her feet into his chest causing him to cough up spittle and flecks of blood. As he bounced from the ground into the air, Izumi pulled back a punch that was weakened enough to knock the villain out.
"Remember these words, Re-Destro. A Hero never gives up, no matter the odds against them! Meteoric Might!" Izumi screamed as she threw her Blackwhip covered fist into his face.
The man hit the ground like a sack of potatoes being dropped on the ground. On the other side of UA, a General Studies student dropped a bag of trash on the ground as they wiped the sweat from their brow.
"Phew! That was a lot of work, can't understand how those Hero Course students can even work that hard every day. Whatever, I guess I can just get a better life through General Studies." The student said, walking away.
A/N That is the end of the chapter! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! This was something that was being built up to this part where Izumi is defeating Re-Destro. Never thought that the story would evolve to this point because of Butterfly Effect, but here we are. I hope you all have a great week, and I will see you all on the next chapter! Chao~
1792 Words!