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5th year

"Is everything ready?"

"Yes, My Lord," Lucius Malfoy said with satisfaction. "Draco said that in two days the students are going to Hogsmeade, Potter as well."

"Wonderful," Voldemort gritted his teeth. "I'll finally get rid of this brat."

The Dark Lord chuckled to himself. He had tried to defeat Harry Potter so many times and had failed every time. And for what reasons? It was a mere coincidence that his mother gave her life for him. Voldemort was convinced that the boy had no hidden powers, which is why he used to tell Death Eaters that Potter was the luckiest person on Earth.

"Dumbledore won't be there?" he asked icily after a while. He had to make sure the Headmaster of Hogwarts wouldn't suddenly interrupt him.

"No, My Lord, Dumbledore never goes to Hogsmeade with his students," Lucius replied. "He's very naive, after all, everyone knows that the town is guarded by spells only half as strong as those at Hogwarts and that we can break them at any time."

"I always said he was an old loser," Voldemort said brusquely. He inhaled through the narrow slits of his nose. "However, I cannot enter the town. I prefer not to risk it. You'll go instead, Malfoy."

Lucius didn't feign surprise.


"Yes, you will lead the Death Eaters to Hogsmeade and in two days you'll bring Potter here alive. Otherwise you have no reason to come back."

Lucius frowned. He knew that his Lord wasn't joking and if he ordered him to complete a task, he would have to fulfill it, otherwise he could lose his life.

"Give the girl the medallion tomorrow, but if she loses it, you'll be responsible..." Voldemort said again. Suddenly he began to wonder, maybe he shouldn't give the necklace so dear and valuable to him into the hands of some irresponsible teenager...

"But why her, My Lord?" Malfoy interrupted his thoughts in a humble tone. "I could take care of it myself..."

"And you think I don't have my own neck?" the Dark Lord mocked loudly.

Malfoy became lost in thought, while Voldemort continued:

"She's just a girl, if something doesn't go my way, the amulet will be safe, no one will suspect her. It's different with you, Death Eaters."

Sure, it's better to endanger Pansy, Lucius thought bitterly, grimacing.

Fortunately, the Dark Lord didn't notice this, because after a while he asked calmly:

"What about the egg? You know I need it."

Voldemort's face changed and, if possible, even took on a human appearance. His incredibly long fingers impatiently tapped an unknown rhythm on the table.

"Yes, I know, My Lord," said Lucius, bowing slightly and looking at this strange phenomenon. "Only it's not my thing anymore, it's Parkinson's."

"In fact, he told me that it hadn't hatched yet."

"I heard that too, My Lord," Lucius swallowed loudly. "But is this really necessary?" Malfoy dared to ask.

"Do you want to suggest something?" Voldemort muttered dryly, glancing sideways at the Death Eater. His nostrils flared and Lucius could see the fury in his Master's gaze.

"No, my Lord," of course he had a lot to say, but not to his Lord.


Draco Malfoy was clearly unhappy about something. He was going around, trying to come up with something that would please the Dark Lord, save his father and not endanger a certain Gryffindor boy. His mood worsened even more when a happy Pansy Parkinson came over to him at breakfast, chattering like crazy.

"Why didn't you tell me about the kidnapping tomorrow?" she asked excitedly at the greeting.

"I didn't see any reason to spread the word at school," Draco replied, avoiding Pansy.

There were only a few students left in the Great Hall, and although Parkinson didn't finish her food, leaving a few pieces of toast on the table, she ran after the boy anyway. It was never easy to get rid of her.

"It's nice that you treat me like everyone else at school," she growled, catching up with Malfoy.

"How do you know about the kidnapping?" Draco asked, yawning. He was sleep deprived, that's why he was in a bad mood – and he was about to have Transfiguration, so he knew that Professor McGonagall wouldn't let him sleep during the lesson. On top of that, there was also the unfortunate kidnapping, and it almost made him depressed.

"Your father..." said Parkinson, smiling venomously.

"Why am I not surprised?" said Malfoy looking at the happy girl. "I understand that you were on a romantic rendezvous together," Draco knew where to sting the girl, Pansy immediately blushed, but quickly replied:

"As a matter of fact, no. I just saw him because he wanted to give me this..."

Malfoy stopped. He was intrigued by what Lucius senior could give the girl.

Pansy quickly reached into her blouse and pulled out a silver skull-shaped medallion. It somewhat resembled the Dark Mark, but the snake didn't extend from the gaping jaw, but was coiled around it. Draco moved closer to take another look at it, but Parkinson took it out of his sight.

"What is it?" he asked. It was the first time he had seen this type of necklace.

"I don't know exactly," Pansy replied slowly. "Your father only said that in due time I will find out what it is, not to use it and not to show it to you at any cost, because you will be dissatisfied that I got it first."

Draco narrowed his eyes, then smiled. Pansy wouldn't be herself if she left the gift to herself and didn't mention it to anyone.

"Great," the boy drawled.

Draco walked away quickly, leaving the ex-girlfriend in a bit of shock. She thought she could knock Malfoy out with that necklace. How little he cared about it was, in her opinion, suspicious.

What Pansy didn't know was that the boy would take out his frustrations on some poor freshman.

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