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"how you came here?" He ask. Niyati looked much more in control of herself, now. Sitting beside him in a comfortable chair their clasped hand in between them.

He has loudly protested against their sitting arrangement but Niyati, this time holds her stand. "No..I won't. " She told him firmly and dragging the chair sat down by his side. It is important,she can't even form thoughts let alone talk while remaining in such close proximity of his. So sitting where she was, was a much better choice. No matter what the prince charming has to say regarding that.

"Public transport." And giggled aloud looking at his gaze. He rolls his eyes but didn't said anything. Preferring her cheerful self over the gloomy one. "No really, I changed two bus and then a auto, and ta-da..I'm here. Do you know how far this place is from my college?"

"Very funny. "

"I am. " She said proudly. "Everyone say so."

He would very much like to know who these people are, but that can wait. He has to get the answer of his question first. "I meant.." he pulled their hand and the smile get wiped away before a shy expression take place and this, Achintya enjoys very much. "how you come here?"

Because the girl who is afraid to even stands close to him in the fear of being seen by other people, has somehow manages to gather her courage, made up her mind to come to the hospital in the broad day light, the fear of the what other will see now gone.

Grumbling she looked away, didn't she just poured her heart out to him, a moment before. Did he forget that? Or it could be that, Achintya's wound on the shoulder somehow affected his brain somehow. Could be that.

The question of his, reminds her of something more "you are not the first one-" what that woman ment. She is not the first one, means there were others before her who came here, to see him?

It could be his friends. She told herself. But then if it was his friends, why the nurse said those exact words, or it could be, some other girls. Yes, that's it.

That's what she meant.

Something hot, much different than the warmth he usually ignites, bubbles inside her .

"Who came to see you, before me?" He raises his eyebrows at that abrupt question.

"I asked first-"

"ladies first..you know-"

"Your comebacks are getting as good as mine." He smiles. Looking at her with a lazy smirk and she hit him again.

"Stop. " Because if he don't, her brain will not function properly, even here, on a hospital bed,messy hair, white t-shirt and grey joggers he still easily, can outshine even the best dressed one. "Answer my question."

God, when will this man stop affecting her so much.

"Well..let's see. My family, my friends-"

"Which friend exactly?" What the hell is running in her preety head? Her glare has turned sharp, like she is daring him to not say something -

But what?

"Some friends I know-?"

"Which one?"

"What is the matter with you suddenly?" He ask at last. Like the loose cannon she kept firing the questions right back at him without answering any of his- plus, the look of her face,like she ready to pour gasoline on him and set him on the fire, Achintya would much better prefer it not.

"Nothing. I asked you something -"

"Mayank. He is my friend from the college -"

Like a balloon that suddenly has defleated, she shut her mouth, the jittery feeling subsiding bit by bit. So a friend visited him named Mayank, fine..she can work with that. It is completely fine.

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