PREVIOUS CHAPTER: "So you're meeting my boyfriend behind my back?" Came a voice behind me as I heard the door opening with the sound of chims attached to it. "Shit!" I mumbled to myself but heard the same from the person infront of me as we shared a eye contact.
Author's POV.:
He stood up, taking a step towards his girlfriend who now stood in between him and Radha. "Listen to me-""You guys always do this" she whined as she turned towards Radha, "And you, have some respect I'm elder than you. I'm even your professor."
"Babe please calm down-" The guy tried to speak. [Keyword : tried.]
"What? And you mister, you're my boyfriend! Who's roming with a ring in his car since a month also didn't inform me!"
She exclamed. He hugged his girlfriend while Radha smiled with embarrassment as she muttered a sorry to other customers.Soon a chair was arranged as the guy successfully made his girlfriend sit with them. "Explain" she spoke glancing between to of them.
"Miss Shetty-"
"Cut the formalities we are not in college" Miss Priya Shetty said. Hiding her smile Radha continues
"Priya di this is just a small meet in case Romi Bhaiya had any updates on him. We did think of inviting you but-" Radha glanced at her professor's boyfriend for help.
"Because we thought to let you rest since these days have been really hectic. So I thought would update you in person, and it would be another reason to meet you in private." Romi spoke convincing his girlfriend as he carresed her knees.
Priya glanced between them and than at his hand on her knee. "Whatever." She held Radha's hand on the table, smiling assuringly before she looked back at Romi.
"Where you able you cantact him?"
Romi shook his head. Disappointment could be felt from Radha irrespective of the smile on her face.
"Although I got details of a company which I do think belongs to him." He looked at Priya
"Remember how he talked about owning one?" She nodded enthusiastically.
"I do really think this belongs to him. I'll try to get more details and see if I can get their contact number." Radha's smile widened at the information. She nodded
"When you get to contact try to see if he has any partner or something and talk to that person because there are chances he would refuse if he recognizes or understand anything."
Both the elders nodded.
"We are thinking of inviting alumni for this year's fest. I'll try to get him on the list." Priya said.
"I'm really thankful to both of you"
Anyone would feel the sincerity from her words.
"Cut it. They even own us explanation." Priya said.
"Oh and don't discuss about the fest thing with anyone I know you won't but just saying."
Radha nodded. Before she picked up her bag she got with her. "Hey wait. Get the parcel" Romi ordered his employee. A brown paper bag with the bakery's logo on it was handed to Romi as he passed to Radha.
"Your favorite order."
Thanking him and Priya once again she felt the bakery.
Radha's POV: