Song: Love wins all (Orchestral Cover), by IUAs love is a familiar phenomenon in life, I don't always think about it. It seems like I've always taken care of other people and seen people enjoy their lives. Meanwhile, I feel like I am missing a piece of the puzzle. Love. I see love as a complex and multifaced emotion that can be experienced and expressed in different ways. You can experience it on different moments in life. And it depends how you involve the emotion in your life, and how you give it a definition.
As someone who always was focused on helping and healing others, and not often thinks of herself, it's kind of difficult to understand what love is really like. Its sometimes scarry to think about yourself having a deep affection, care, compassion, and attachment towards someone. Like romantic or platonic love. As someone who takes care of others, the feeling of happiness comes from seeing the reaction of the other person feeling better of happy after you took care of them. But, on which moment does the feeling come that you feel empty. That's when you doubt yourself about if I ever liked someone of someone liked me. Being shy does take a lot from your courage to show yourself blooming and how beautiful you can be. But there's a side of being shy that you can be proud of. Being shy could be a beautiful attraction to be more comfortable expressing your feelings and forming deep emotional connections with other. Also, intellectual attraction, as a shy person you often appreciate meaningful conversations and intellectual stimulation. Like you are attracted to another's intelligence or knowledge. While shyness may initially make it more challenging for people to express their attraction openly or make romantic advances, it doesn't diminish their capacity to feel attraction in various forms. Shy individuals may simply take a more cautious or subtile approach to expressing their feelings, preferring to build connections gradually and in a comfortable environment.
Shy people are capable to experience romantic feelings and desires for another person, but there's something difficult about the effect of this experience. Most of the time there is a gap in finding the way to express your feeling to the person from whom you receive the feeling. Thoughts start to arise that you are not good enough or that you are not attractive. The same thing that you doubt yourself whether you can continue to be yourself when you approach that person. But why is it challenging, especially for a shy person, to approach someone. During the years, there have been thoughts that have been floating in the air. Knowing myself as a shy person, there's always been a fear of rejection. Feeling sensitive to rejection and fear of embarrassment or disappointment. This makes the person hesitant to take the risk of expressing their feeling. Also, a very important thing, self-doubt. As a shy person I struggle a lot with self-esteem and confidence issues, leading me to doubt influence my own worthiness or attractiveness. This makes it difficult to believe that my feelings will be reciprocated. Some shy people are also overthinkers. I experience as an overthinker also a tendency to overanalyze situations and worry a lot about potential outcomes. This leads to making it hard for me to make a move for fear of saying or doing the wrong thing. And lastly one of the things that I struggle the most as a shy person is the fear of vulnerability. I mostly feel uncomfortable or exposed when expressing my emotions, as it requires me to be vulnerable and open myself up to potential rejection or judgment. So, the combination of this things can make it incredibly daunting for shy people to approach someone they have feelings form. However, I believe that patients, self-awareness, and support can learn to overcome these obstacles and take steps towards building a meaningful connection with others.
What more to say that its sometimes necessary for us to reflect about how unique and beautiful we are. Sometimes we need someone to say this to us, but sometimes we also have to say it to ourselves. Everything starts also with loving yourself as for who you really are. There are different positive factors about how important it is to love yourself. For example, loving yourself is a tool to help yourself navigate life's challenges, build fulfilling relationships, and pursue your goals with confidence. Self-love is crucial for buffering against your negative thoughts and feelings of inadequacy. It could be difficult to make sure those negative thoughts have nothing less priority than everything that is more important. Self-love encourages personal growth and self-improvement. A very important and difficult task as you growing up. Being in different kind of situations on your daily life, and most of the time not knowing what the situation will bring you, you will see that self-love will challenge you in your compassion and growth mindset. Improving in your personal growth will allow you in learning and evolve from experience. Growing up, you ill experience in different moments of your life stress. Self-love will be very important in the factor of resilience. Loving yourself provides a source of inner strength and resilience during difficult times. When you believe in your worth and abilities, you're better able to bounce back from setbacks, cope with stress, and persevere in the face of adversity.
After considering the benefits of achieving self-love, another question arises: How does one reach this state of self-love? How much effort is required to develop confidence? This is a deeply personal journey that cannot be answered by anyone but yourself. It's an experience you must undergo to discover and define for yourself. It's a journey that doubles as a profound life lesson. Your perspectives on life, how you handle experiences, and solve challenges all influence your self-perception. If you've endured past wounds, whether from childhood or later in life, it may take a bit longer to cultivate self-love. However, what's crucial is having a moment of self-awareness—understanding where you currently stand and embracing who you are.

Flower road
Short StoryWelcome to my autobiography! Join me on a journey through the twists and turns of life as I navigate the chaos of a restless mind. Ps Please leave a comment about your reading experience<3