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Chopper met up with Sanji and they went together to look for Robin
Zoro went back to sleep.
Luffy: What? You can't fix the Going Merry? Why not?! I thought all of you were supposed to be awesome Shipwrights. Don't worry about the money! Look we got plenty.
Kaku: It's not about the money, son. No matter how much you pay. That ship can't be restored to how she used to be. To be honest. I'm rather impressed you were able to get that Old girl this far considering the condition that she's currently in.
Nami: What's that supposed to mean? What exactly is going on with the Merry?
Paulie: Do you know what the "Keel" is immoral Girl!
Nmai: Immoral. The thing at the bottom of the boat?
Paulie: Yeah. It's the most important piece of lumber on a ship. It crosses from stem to stern and provides support. When you build a ship you start off by placing the keel. Then you set the wood for the stem the stern, the fame, frame brackets, and deck beams. All of the pieces are carefully assembled together, with the Keel serving as the core. It's the very backbone. Framework, and life of every vessel constructed. And when it's severely damaged then that's the end of her. You can't just replace it with a new one that would be the same thing as building a new ship from scratch. That's the reason we, or anyone won't be able to fix her. Yiyr ship's just a bunch of wood stuck together awaiting her end.
Nami: Hey, you! Don't say such horrible things!
Paulie: Horrible or not, it's the truth.
Stella: Okay fine then just rebuild her from the group up, like you said before! Build another Going Merry!
Hat: Coo Coo! Sorry not possible!
Stella: why not
Hat: We could build you a very similar ship. But no one could build you one that would be exactly the same. Nowhere in the world are there two completely identical ships. It simply can't be done.
Nami: What do you mean? Why?
Hat: Tell me, are there any trees in the world that grow exactly the same way? A sailing ship is mostly built out of lumber. So the overall size and shape of a vessel are determined by the type of wood used. That's why an exact duplicate of your ship can't be built by us or anyone, even when using the same blueprints. If we made a ship like that with those specifications. The ones who made the ship would notice the difference and feel that it's a completely different ship would be all of you guys!
Nami: no way. So you're saying it's absolutely impossible for us to continue sailing the Going Merry?
Kaku: Unfortunately Yes. You can either wait for it to sink. Or you can dismantle her immediately.
Luffy thought about the first time getting the Going Merry.
Ice: Mmwell. Your ship is on her last legs. Why don't you look at this as an opportunity? You happen to be in the best place in the world to buy a new ship you have money, right? I understand that your ship was a caravel. Sailing on the Grand Linr is an old ship-like that would be difficult to begin with.
Luffy: No way. We're not getting a new ship.
Nami: Luffy.
Luffy: The Merry is... The Going Merry is the ship of the Straw Hat pirates
Like I said in Navarone Yes it has Luffy Skull and Stella Skull but they'll go as the straw Hats just easier.
Luffy: If she's repaired then she can still sail! She'll be fine! You'll see! She got us here today. Didn't she? And you tell us nowhere she can't sail anyone? I can't believe that! I won't! You guys are saying that because you don't know her. You have no idea how strong she is!
Ice: Your plan is to keep sailing until she sinks? I'm shocked so this is the decision of a ship's captain?! This discussion is over for now. Just think about it. If you decide to buy a ship, let me know. My people can help if you're able to spend 300 million, we can build a State-of-the-art ship for you. Kalifa!
Kalifa: Here, if you'd look this over, please. It's a catalog of our new and used modules. Use it as a price reference.
Lulu: Hey iceberg. There's someone at the front gate who wants to see you.
Klaifa: There doesn't seem to be anyone on your appointment schedule for today.
Lulu: It looks like this world government officials again should I tell them you're unavailable?
Ice: Yes, please. Say, I'm gone.
Lulu: anyways ask them to leave
Ice: I appreciate it
Corgy: Hold it right there, Iceberg! Look like you're here after all!
Plalie: Hey! You three need to hide! Government Officials are here!
They hide behind the logs.
Ice: Mmwell, hello again, Corgy as you can see. I'm not here today.
Corgy: Yes, you are!
They went somewhere to talk.
Pauline: These government guys are so down-persistent. What the hell do they want with IceBerg, anyway?
Hat: Look it has nothing to do with us. Probably political stuff.
Lulu: Should I beat them up?
Kaku: I wouldn't I mean they're Government guys after all.
Stella: Luffy what's wrong
Luffy: Something seemed weird about these bags when I grabbed them. They're really light.
Nmai: Huh? What do you mean? Oh, come on! Stop kidding around!
How could they be with all of that money inside?
[Loud screams]
Paulie: Idoits! What the hell are you--
Hey lady! If you sit like that everyone can see your--
Stella: Don't tell me. There's no way!
Nami: I don't wanna look!
Luffy: 200 million!
Nami: Gone! It's really gone!
Stella: Wait! Look at those bags! They're not even ours!
All scream.
Luffy: What are we gonna do?
Hat: Hey, hey! Keep it down! What's wrong?
The three of them were white as ghosts.
Luffy: Our money's gone!
Nami: Vanished! Gone! Disappeared!
Paulie: What?
Hat: Paulie was it you again?
Paulie: What no
Lulu: Hey, Kaku, a question for you? Why were you hanging out with the Franky Family earlier?
Kaku: What are you talking about? I haven't been anywhere near a single member of the Franky Family all day.
Lulu: That's strange. Huh. I was so certain that I saw your long nose.
Stella: Whoa, whoa! Hold on a second!
That's Usopp!
Nami: you saw him with the Franky Family?
Lulu: Well, you could say he was with them or maybe you could say he was being dragged away.
Both: That's called kidnapping! Lugfy! We gotta find him!
Luffy: Right! He grabs Stella
Nmai: Hey! Hold on. You don't know where to look.
Luffy: Wait for me Usopp! Wait for me money! We're coming
Stella: The hell did you drag me for?
Nami: Hey where can I find the Franky Family's hideout?
Paulie: It's not really a hideout. It's more like. Workshop from where your ship is docked, it's way up the seashore to the northeast. It's off by itself. You can't miss it. It'd called the Franky House
I'm going to skip this part Nami went to find the Frank House but Found Usop all bruised up and bloody on the street and told him to stay there while she went to get the others. Usop was disappointed because he wasn't strong enough to deal with the headmen a and he cried about how weak he was to Nami about how he lost the money.
Sanji: Well is it true?
Zoro: well, that's what the shipwright said.
Chopper: The ship can't be fixed? Even if we have the money? Then what's going to happen to the Merry?
Zoro: Beats me. Honestly. It really just depends on how Luffy Stella and the other reacts after hearing the assessment. Either way, I'm sure they'll get it sorted out while they're at the shipyard.
Sanji: It just seems so extreme! I mean, look at her! Same old Merry that she's always been. We've traveled together on this ship all the way from the East Blue to this place! Why now?
Zoro: You just answered your own question. Human beings become stronger hardship after hardship. But ships are different their wounds just pile up.
Sanji: It's just hard to expect and what is Usopp gonna say when he hears about all of this?
Chopper: I don't wanna leave her! I love the Merry!
Zoro: I know we all do. But her wounds are too deep. There's nothing we can do.
Sanji: The Merry's in trouble and Robin still missing. I'm worried about both of them.
Nami: Hey everyone.
Chopper: Look! It's Nami, and she's alone.
Sanji: My poor Stella-sama is missing too. And I guess Luffy and Usopp as well. Hi Namj! Is everything all right?
Usopp went back to fight Franky the leader of the group and get their money back.
A/n Usopp Fight, Luffy Fights, and Looking for Robin will all be skipped. I will do the group getting revenge for the Usopp fight and The fight Usopp has between his captains. Well one of them.

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