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Even though I always used to think how it would feel to be free, having no work to do like cooking cleaning etc. Now that nobody is asking me to do anything, I feel even more anxious. I used to feel the dread if I was even 5 minutes late in doing a particular task, I feel it even now. I don't even know how to explain it. 

I decided to change my pad. After changing my pad I take my new phone and start playing some music and lie down while reading my book. Within no time I feel my eyes closing due to the painkillers kicking in.


Third person's pov-

When Akiandara came to Romano mansion, each brother had their own internal struggles going on.

Finally seeing a girl alive whom they presumed to be dead from last 14 years surely felt surreal. All of them had different ways of dealing with this new change. Lorenzo was for the very first time during the 27 years of his existence, felt scared, not of any person but an emotion. The feeling of losing his little sister again made his blood boil. When he looked into the incident that happened 13 years ago, it made his mind go into frenzy. He wanted to burn down the world, especially those Russians who dared to pull off such a low level game.

He found out that Russians killed the single mother who gave birth to a baby girl same day as Akiandara was born to silence her. They took away Akiandara and kept that  mother's baby at her place, who unfortunately succumbed to death due to severe burns. How can they take so many innocent lives? Lorenzo deep down knew why they did it. Everyone was on cloud nine when they were expecting their first baby girl. Russians knew taking her away would inflict highest amount of damage on every single person in Romano family.

And they were right. The Romano family was never same again. 


Akiandara woke up from a sudden knock on the door. She felt disoriented as she got up from the bed. She thought for a second she was back in her old house with her abusive foster parents. She winced slightest due to the sudden jolt of pain she got while quickly getting up. She took a deep breathe before shouting Come in to the person on the other side of the door.

"Dear, Did I disturb you?" Asks Selena while entering the room and looking at a very disoriented looking Akiandara who was now standing near the edge of the bedroom.

Akiandara just shake her head as she wasn't sure how her voice would sound at that moment. She still felt shaken due the fear when she woke up.

"Were you sleeping?" Selena asks with a guilty look in her eyes. Akiandara instantly felt bad when she saw Selena upset.

"I woke up some time ago." She lied.

"Then I am at right time. Nathaniel sent this juice for you. He said you liked it during breakfast." She says holding out the tray in Akiandara's direction.

She felt a weird emotion filling her heart. She doesn't recognize this emotion as she never felt it. How could she? Nobody ever bothered to notice what she liked and what she didn't liked. She felt cared for.

She looked at the glass with so many emotions swirling in her eyes. It wasn't about how much she liked the juice. She would honestly like anything and everything, but it was about how Nathaniel cared enough to remember it and send it for her, that too in her room.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13 ⏰

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