The Echoes Of Yesterday

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The grand hall of the Hilton was adorned with twinkling fairy lights and the soft hum of chatter filled the air. Nischay stood near the entrance, scanning the crowd for familiar faces.

He had not been to one of these gatherings in years, but when Raj had called, insisting he attend, he could not refuse.

Nischay (muttering to himself): I cannot believe I am here. What am I even doing?

Raj (clapping his back): There you are! I thought you would bail on me again.

Nischay: Raj, good to see you, man. It has been too long.

Raj: Too long indeed. Come on, let's get you a drink.

As they made their way to the bar, Nischay's eyes wandered, searching for a face he had not seen in six years. His heart pounded as he wondered if Y/n would be here. Raj handed him a glass of beer, snapping him out of his thoughts.

Raj: So, what is new with you? Still conquering the business world?

Nischay: You know me. Work never ends. What about you? How is life?

Raj: Good, good. Actually, I have some big news to share tonight. But you will have to wait for the announcement.

Just then, a burst of laughter caught Nischay's attention. He turned and there she was, Y/n, looking more radiant than he remembered. Time seemed to freeze as he watched her, his heart aching with memories of their past.

Nischay (whispering): Y/n....

Raj: Did you say something?

Nischay: No, just....nothing.

Raj: Hey, there is someone I want you to meet. Come with me.

Nischay followed Raj reluctantly, his eyes never leaving Y/n. They approached the small group where she stood, engaged in conversation.

Raj: Everyone, I would like you to meet my old friend, Nischay. And Nischay, this is....

Before Raj could finish, Y/n turned, her eyes widening in shock.

Y/n: Nischay?

Nischay: Y/n...It's been a while.

Y/n: Yes, it has.

Raj: Oh, you two know each other?

Y/n: We used to. A long time ago.

The tension was palpable, and Raj, sensing it, tried to lighten the mood.

Raj: Well, I see you two have some catching up to do. I'll leave you to it.

As Raj walked away, Nischay took a deep breath.

Nischay: Y/n, I....I have been wanting to talk to you. To apologize for everything.

Y/n: Nischay, it's been six years. A lot has changed.

Nischay: I know, but I have never stopped thinking about you. About us. I was a fool back then. I made so many mistakes.

Y/n: We both did. But we cannot go back and change the past.

Just then, the lights dimmed, and Raj took to the stage with a microphone.

Raj: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? I have a very special announcement to make tonight.

Nischay and Y/n turned towards the stage, their conversation interrupted.

Raj: Tonight is not just a celebration with friends, but also a very special moment for two very dear people. Y/n, will you join me up here?

Nischay's heart sank as Y/n walked to the stage, her hand taken by a man Nischay had not noticed before. Raj continued with a beaming smile.

Raj: Y/n, I've known you for years, and I cannot think of anyone more deserving of happiness. And to make this night even more special, Y/n, I have the honor of announcing your engagement to Ankit!

Applause erupted, but Nischay stood frozen, his world crumbling around him. Y/n looked at him from the stage, her eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and resignation.

Nischay (muttering to himself): I’m too late....

Raj (from the stage): Ankit, come up here, man!

Ankit joined Y/n, and they exchanged smiles and their rings, symbolizing their union in the eyes of all. Nischay could not bear to watch. He turned and walked out of the hall, the sound of applause echoing in his ears.

As he stepped into the cool night air, he realized he had lost Y/n once more, but this time, perhaps forever. The echoes of their past love would remain with him, a constant reminder of what could have been.

Months later, Nischay received a letter. It was from Y/n.

Dear Nischay,

I wanted you to know that I never forgot you, and I never will. Our past was beautiful, but it was also painful. I found someone who makes me happy, and I hope you find that happiness too. Thank you for the memories, and I hope we both find peace in our new journeys.

With love, Y/n

Nischay folded the letter and put it away, a bittersweet smile on his face. Life moved on, but the echoes of yesterday would always be a part of him.

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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