Episode 11: The Sun Demon

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Tanjiro: Then let me show the power of a demon hybrid

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Tanjiro: Then let me show the power of a demon hybrid.

Akaza: *Shocks* What an impressive demonic fighting spirit. With power like that you can even fight one of us Upper Ranks in a Blood Battle. *Smiles* That brilliant of mind! Abd that menacing glace! *Laughs* Now you have to join us as Upper Rank! Just imagine it! We'd be able to fight each other for the rest of eternity!

Tanjiro(Mind): Father, give me your power and guide my blade. I'll make sure I will live on in your legacy until the very end. I'm the Sun Hashira, Tanjiro Kamado. Hinokami Kagura-Dance!

Tanjiro leaps into the air and swings his blade downwards slashing Akaza. The Upper Moon barely avoids the slash and gets cut on the shoulder. But just before Akaza can heal his wound Tanjiro appears right in front of him and slashes him two times.

Tanjiro: Hinokami Kagura-Cross Slash!

An X mark appears on Akaza's chest after getting hit by Tanjiro's blade.

Akaza(Mind): *Eyes widen* What was that?! I could even read his speed!

Tanjiro appears beside him and goes for another strike, but Akaza quickly blocks it in time and goes for a kick.

Akaza: Destructive Death-Leg Type: Flying Planet Thousand Wheels!

Akaza kicks him in the stomach but that didn't stop Tanjiro on his assault on him. The Upper Moon was shocked, seeing Tanjiro taking his attacks like it was nothing. He does know that Tanjiro was part demon, but it was still a shocker. Tanjiro rushes at him while swinging his blade.

Tanjiro: Hinokami Kagura-Scorching Rush!

Akaza barely avoids three slashes but gets cut by the last two slashes.

Akaza: Destructive Death-Air Type!

He throws a shockwave attack at him but gets blocked with Tanjiro raises his blade. Tanjiro then swung his blade around cutting the Upper Moon's arms. Akaza regrows them back and tries to attack Tanjiro with the slayer blocking the punches. Tanjiro then leaps behind Akaza and slashes at Akaza's arm again.

Tanjiro: Hinokami Kagura-Fire Wheel!

Akaza regrew his arm again and they clashed with blade vs fist. The battle was intense with neither of them backing down. Rengoku, Ujo and Inosuke who were watching the battle are shocked.

Ujo: So this is Tanjiro's true power. It's amazing.

Rengoku: Agreed. As Hashira, I'm ashamed to be protected by someone younger than me. But, Tanjiro is more powerful than I usually thought.

Inosuke: I can't believe I'm saying this but, looks like I ain't the strongest after all.

Ujo: If we survive this, I'm training my butt off to reach Tanjiro's level.

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