[Chapter Two]: 'A Man With A Plan'

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"Are you not going to swim with them?" Ayanokoji asked Y/N, who absentmindedly watched almost all of his classmates swimming in the pool, all of them wearing the school's swimsuits. Since it was free time in swim class, everyone was messing around and hanging out with their friends.

"Too many people," Y/N grumbled after a short while, his eyes glancing from person to person, resting on Kushida for a split second longer, before continuing to move to the next. "And I don't like to swim with girls."

"Is there a reason why?" he questioned curiously, looking at Y/N.

"...Maybe," he muttered, narrowing his eyes at the floor, wet from all the splashes of water.

"What do you think of all of this?" Ayanokoji pressed on like this was some sort of interview.

"All of what?"

"This predicament," he specified promptly, and Y/N blinked at him.

"Annoying. I thought the merit system was applied individually, so I behaved, thinking that I'd get points, but..." he sighed and looked to the side. 

"Unfortunate," Ayanokoji commented. "Are you interested in the Privileged?"

"...Nah," he replied with a shrug. "I don't like the idea of there being a bounty on my head."

"Some people are interested more in what kind of person holds such a power, rather than expelling them," Ayanokoji informed him. 

"How so?" Y/N questioned with intrigue, but was slightly disappointed that the rules didn't necessarily allow him to tell those people, who weren't seeking his departure from the school. After all, if he did then there'd be the risk of expulsion, or just being expelled right away, depending on who it was.

"For instance, the Privileged could force somebody into doing their bidding, threatening expulsion for not complying with their demands," the boy explained to him, his voice somehow remaining monotonous throughout. "In other words, the Privileged simply needs to be wise about his actions, and he can do a lot more things than you'd initially expect."

"I guess that's a reasonable possibility to be concerned about," Y/N nodded, though tried his best to show disinterest. 

"Ichinose, for example, appears to have that thought process," he added.

"I keep hearing that girl's name, and it's beginning to piss me off a bit," Y/N thought with annoyance. "Class B's leader?"

Before the conversation could continue, a familiar voice rang, "What are you two talking about?" Both boys looked up, spotting none other than Horikita standing above the two sitting boys. 

"We were discussing our current predicament," Ayanokoji answered promptly, as Y/N just gave her a blank look. In all honesty, the only person he was somewhat comfortable with talking to was Ayanokoji, and even then he still tried to lessen his required amount of words to be spoken, so he didn't really like the idea of Horikita interrupting their conversation. 

"How can they be so carefree after what just happened?" Horikita asked as she sat herself down, much to Y/N's dismay. Did this loner really not have anyone else to talk to? 

After glancing at Horikita and then the swimming pool a few times, Y/N let out a mental sigh and stood up, causing the girl to ask, "Is my presence unwanted?"

Giving her a side eye, Y/N walked off. He let out a quiet sigh as he tried his best to sneakily plop into the pool; his entrance only made a small, barely audible splash, and he moved off towards a corner to lean against the wall, just watching everyone else and praying that nobody would approach him. He had no interest in talking to anyone other than Ayanokoji, who was one of his people, and he especially didn't want to talk to girls in a swimming pool, because getting accused of being a pervert was not exactly desirable right now. He didn't feel able enough to muster the slightest bit of energy to handle such a scenario at this given time. 

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