Author's note (last one)

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Hey, loves.

How are you'll? I hope you have read the last bonus of this book.

Oh God! I was so emotional yesterday because this book ended, as soon I wrote the last line "my lil muse" I was crying.

Tbh, I used to hate this book in the starting as I just wrote it without any idea or any kind of plot. I just wrote it and I was in my lovey-dovey phase.

There were so many cringe lines I wrote, I kind of rewrote few lines not much though.

But as soon, people start commenting about the next part or they love the updates, I started involving myself more in this book.

This couple hold so much love and importance in my heart that I can just forget about them. Infact, in Rudra's book I had to control myself not to write about them.

There are few things which randomly happened which wasn't suppose to-

1. Abhimaan was never in the picture, I waned to write something good, so his idea randomly came in my mind and than rest of the story continued.

2. Hari's chacha (uncle) wasn't supposed to be the evil one but I made him like that, so it would look more interesting.

3. Veer was also never in the picture. I was reading my book, so I could update it, so in the early chapters I read that I wrote Abhishek called someone and then I thought of adding another character.

4. Hari and Mishthi's friendship was supposed to be the bestest one but I kept it secretive why they aren't friends anymore. It will going to be reveal in Rudra's book.

5. Hari's kidnapping was also something which randomly popped in my mind while I was listening to some songs.

6. Abhishek, initially was supposed to marry Hari's cousin.

7. And Rudra wasn't supposed to be Hari's friend but I wanted to show her this side too, that's why I made them friends.

Ik, it wasn't that good book but I, now love this book. It was my first and favorite book.

I'll cherish all of my readers (not the silent ones) who vote and comment and genuinely waited for the updates.

And specially for the ones who send positive messages to me.

I cherish to have you here.

Thank you so much.

This book ends here but not my this Era. My other books are also there which are going to be continue but please show some support.

Till than, take care. Don't forget to love yourself. You matter, okay? You do.

Thank you,
Your author,


HIS LIL MUSE (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now