Meet the Mum

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Spencer's POV

I got off the plane and phoned Niall to pick me up. He said he would be here, but that was about an hour ago. I sat in the terminal, waiting for a call when I heard a familiar clicking noise and saw a spark. Fucking paps. I turned and saw two men, trying to hide, but doing a terrible job. I waved at one of them and they snapped another picture. Sarcasm had been my best friend with the paps lately. I despised them. They seemed to ruin any time I actually had with Niall and the guys. It wasn't that the guys couldn't deal with paps. The reason we were always running from them was because we didn't like how in-your-face the paps got. They were violent sometimes too! They would tear one another apart for a picture. It's flattering, but it can actually be scary. It helped to have the guys around. They got very protective. Speaking of boys, my phone finally rang with Niall's call.

"Hey, Spencer?"

"Where are you?"


"Where the fuck are you?"

"I know-"

"You make me come to Ireland tonight and then don't pick me up! I'm going home." I grumble and head for the ticket booth. He had pissed me off.



"Turn around." He says and I do. I look around the airport and see nothing.

"I see nothing."

"I'm a better hider than the paps huh?" He laughs into the phone.

"Haha. Hilarious." I say sarcastically.

"Just walk forward."

"Wait Niall-" and he hangs up. I was going to kill him.

I obeyed orders and walked forward. I was trudging through when a man knocked by me and hit my suitcase, knocking it over.

"Really?" I mumble as he tilts it back up.

"Sorry miss." He says.


"Shh." He says and smiles. He takes my suitcase and walks me out to a cab he must have called.

"Enter madam." He smiles and I push his shoulder. He hops in the cab with me and tells the driver some address I can't remember for the life of me.

"Happy to meet my mum?" He asks.

"Sure. It's not like I'm your girlfriend or anything." I say and he chuckles.

"She already likes you. She pressured me into inviting you. I didn't want to, but I can't disappoint my mum."

"Hey!" I shout and he laughs.

About half an hour later, we arrive, or sort of. Niall makes us get out a few doors down, so the cab driver won't know where he lives. Smart move. The guy was probably hoping to make some extra cash. I took my suitcase and followed Niall down the street-lit road. He knocks on a house door and a woman with a warm smile nearly squeals when she sees me.

"So you're the famous Spencer!" She says and hugs me.

"Yeah. It's nice to meet you too! Niall talks about you all the time."

"Does he?" She laughs.

"Yeah mum, I do." He smiles and walks in.

"Niall! Be a gentleman and take her bags. She is our guest and your lady friend."

"Um, Niall's mom-"

"Call me Maura."

"Maura, I'm not Niall's lady friend." I laugh and her grin remains.

"Alright! Alright! Niall told me the same thing earlier." She laughs and escorts me to the living room. I sit on the couch.

"I'll have no problem sleeping here." I laugh and feel how comfy it is.

"Oh! Don't be silly! Niall is giving you his room!"

"Did he agree to this?" I say looking at Niall.

"It was his idea!" She chuckles.

"How nice." I smile and he rolls his eyes. Maura heads upstairs and Niall sits next to me on the couch.

"Movie?" He asks.

"Yeah. What one?"

"How about Big Fish?"

"I'm tired and I like that movie!"

"So do I. We can always watch it again if we fall asleep."

"Fine. You have to get me a blanket."

"I'll see if I can find them." He says and heads to a closet.

"Only one?" I question when he walks back.

"I don't have cooties and yeah that was the only one in there."

"Fine." I say and bundle up.

"Hello? Freezing clover over here!" He says and I laugh. I move closer and throw half of the blanket on him. I rest my head on his shoulder. He turns the movie on and is asleep in what seems like seconds. My eyelids are heavy, but I hear footsteps down the stairs, so I turn my head and see Maura.

"Look at you two." She whispers and laughs.

"Just falling asleep." I laugh and she walks over.

"So are you two together?" She asks enthusiastically.

"No." I laugh.

"I still don't accept that answer." She says and walks off. I chuckle at her and let my eyes close. I feel myself drifting and one thought circles. Why was Maura so interested in me being Niall's girlfriend?

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