Chapter 24

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"You do realise how insane that was right?" I ask the raging man as he speeds off on the highway in his Lamborghini.

He ignores me and I scoff, "how do you expect me to get you your evidence now?"

His hand on the steering wheel tightens.

I stare at him, but he continues driving. Not even glancing at me once.

My jaw clenches and I focus on the road ahead too. Two can play the silent treatment game.

We soon get to the house. He slams his car door shut and storms off.

I scoff at his childish antics.

I get out of the car too as one of his men comes to drive it off and go park it.

I walk upstairs, clutching tightly on his jacket.

Deciding on giving him space to cool off, I go to my room to try and get some studying done, but I heard glass smashing across the hall before I can even make it to my door.

Walking closer to where the crash came from, I see the light on in his office.

Taking a deep breath, not knowing how this will even go, I walk forward, pushing the door open to the office.

He's standing by the table with whiskey perched on it as he takes a huge gulp from a glass.

The broken pieces of glass on the other side of the floor, I sigh at the sight of him.

I want to reassure him. Tell him that it's just work and that I wouldn't let another man touch me that isn't him.

I want to close the space between us and just jump in his arms, but I'm stuck to the floor.

"What do you want Aurora?" He asks bitterly without looking at me.

"I-I heard glass breaking." Is all I say.

Is that all you have to say!

My inner voice screams.

He scoffs and refills his glass before going to sit on the chair behind his desk.

Still not looking at me and I'm still stuck standing in the same spot.

He rests his head against the chair, with his eyes closed as he continues drinking from his glass and Molly's words from earlier ring in my head.

'You're going to have to let someone in one day Rori. You carry too much on your own.'

I take another breath before walking towards him slowly. Scared he might run if I move too fast.

I stop halfway in though and swallow, not wanting to be too close to him.

"I-"  I exhale, "It's my job Lorenzo." I say softly.

He doesn't say anything, eyes still closed.

I sigh, "I was 18 when my parents died. I had no degree, no job, I was out in the cold. Practically on my own. The people who were meant to be my family were nowhere to be found and I had to fend for myself."

He finally opens his eyes, looking straight at me.

I swallow, "Being a stripper is the only way I could do that. It's the only way I know how to survive, it's the only way I can forge a better life for myself and I won't apologise for it."

I unbutton his jacket and motion to the gold two piece im wearing with my hands, "This is who I am. This is how I get food on my plate because when I'm done working for you, I'll be back at it."

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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