Parisas pov:
Betsy has been acting quite strange lately. She hasn't been talking to anyone. When she is with us she only talks for a couple of minutes and then she stops talking. I think it is something to do with casey but betsy said it isn't. I have seen her around casey quite a few times. I decided to go down and talk to her. She was sat and talking with chris and mikey. I sat down next to betsy and i saw casey look at her. After a while chris left and i saw betsy looking at casey.
"Hey betsy why are you looking at casey?" I asked her. She didn't hear me so i asked her again.
"Betsy, are you there can you hear me i asked you a question?"
"Oh sorry what did you say?"
"I said why are you staring at casey?"
"I'm not staring at him."
"Yes you are i saw you and i saw casey stare at you as well," said mikey.
"I wasn't staring at him,he might have looked at me but i don't care!"
"Is something going on between you and casey?" I asked.
"Nothing is going on between me and casey!"
She stood up and walked off to the garden.Caseys pov:
I saw parisa and mikey asking betsy about us and i could tell she was finding it hard. She went out to the garden. I wish I could go out there and talk to her. I saw parisa going out to talk to her.Betsys pov:
Why won't she leave me alone. Parisa keeps asking about me and casey and i keep saying no.
I could see parisa coming towards me.
"hey bets we need to talk what's going on? You've been acting strange for a while now, you won't talk to anyone and i know something is going on so spill,tell me whats going on."
"Parisa nothing is going on i'm fine."
"I'm not stupid i know something is going on. Is it to do with casey?"
"Calm down betsy, no need to scream."
Just then mikey and charlie came and told us that we have to go to the studio and practice. I went inside, not looking at anyone. I saw casey putting his jacket on to go to the studio as well. I wish i could talk to him.At the studio
Betsys pov:
At the studio me and my band were practicing for tomorrow. We were all so nervous. I didn't talk to anyone. I needed to get out of this room. I decided to make up an excuse.
"I need to go to the bathroom," i told parisa.
"Ok be quick."I went out, i obviously didn't really need the bathroom, i just made an excuse so i could get out of that room.
I was walking along the corrider and i bumped into casey.
"Oh hi casey."
"Hi bets how are you? I saw parisa and mikey asking about us before and i can tell your finding it hard."
"Listen casey parisa won't leave me alone she keeps asking if anything is going on between us and i obviously said no. I am finding it hard but i can do it. Your my little secret."Caseys pov:
Listening to betsy say all this nearly made me cry. If she is finding it hard then i think we should tell everyone about us.
"Lets tell everyone about us."
"Casey, did you not hear what i just said, i am finding it hard but i can do it i don't want anyone to know. Not just yet."
"Ok then i love you betsy."
"I love you too casey."
We made sure no one was looking and then we kissed.
"I have to go," betsy said "my band will be wondering where i am."
"Yeah me too i'll see you later."I went back to the room where the boys were and they started asking me questions.
Jake: "where have you been for the last half an hour?"
"I went to the bathroom."
Tom: "for half an hour?"
"I went outside for some fresh air after i went to the bathroom."
Chris: "somethings happened casey i can tell. Whats happened?"
Barclay: "Chris is right something has happened."
James: "yeah casey mate tell us whats happened were brothers. Brothers tell each other everything."
"Guys its nice that you care about me but nothing has happened i'm fine honestly."
Reece: "are you sure you've been acting really strange lately."
"I'm fine guys nothing has happened!"
Charlie: "then why were you outside getting fresh air for half an hour."
"Just because i needed it. Come on we've got to practice."
Jake:"ok then."
I understand what betsy meant when she said parisa wouldn't leave her alone. The boys won't stop asking me questions and they won't leave me alone.
Betsys pov:
I went back to the room where my band was and obviously parisa started questions as usual.
"Hey betsy why did you take so long its been half an hour?"
"I just went outside for fresh air i'm feeling warm."
"Ok are you sure you're okay. Nothing has happened?"
"Nothing has happened."
"Nothing to do with casey either?"
"Ok i'm sorry."
"Just leave me alone for a while Parisa."
"Ok then betsy."I hope you liked this chapter!!