Chapter 5: Trial of a Champion

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4 years later

It has already been a year since Link graduated from Knights Academy and started his career as a knight. He quickly rose above his peers as his skills were unmatched. He had shown a true mastery with sword and shield, spear and two handed weapons.

Even just at the age of sixteen, he is exceptionally skilled. Monsters that dare challenge him always fall, whether it is a lynel, or a hoard of other monsters, or anything similar, they can't get past Link.

One day, Link had gotten a letter sent to him and his parents that he was summoned to the sanctum of Hyrule castle.

"Father, do you know anything that the king would want to summon me for?"

"Sorry son, I have no clue."

Link questioned the matter no further as he went to Hyrule castle as soon as he could.

As Link finally got to the sanctum, he kneeled to the king, king Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule.

"Welcome, Link"

"Your highness, you summoned me here?"

"Yes, I have you here to talk about your performance as a Knight of Hyrule."

Link was a little nervous "My performance, sir?"

"Oh, it's not anything bad, you are doing a remarkable job." King Rhoam reassured him.

"I summoned you here to give you options of your final position as a knight." King Rhoam said.

"Final... Position?"

"You can either become a royal guard, a position that not many knights are given the chance to have. Then there is the second option, becoming a champion."

Link didn't know what to say, when King Rhoam mentioned becoming a champion, did he mean the title that only four individuals are being chosen for.


"I see you are intrigued by this position, it is indeed the title that is going to be given to four individuals, however I believe you have the skills in combat to match. However, unlike the other individuals that are chosen because of their already informed status or skills, yours will be different."

King Rhoam's face turned more serious "For you to become a champion, you must prove that you are truly worthy of this title. But if you don't feel up to it, you can become a royal guard"

Link nodded his head "I accept this challenge. I'm not going to pass an offer like this."

"Good, now, this trial will test your skills to their limits. You must travel to all four regions with the champions and challenge and defeat them."

This made Link worried. "Wait, you want me to defeat all of them? What if I fail?"

Understanding Link's concerns, King Rhoam reassures "that is why I will give you five tries on each champion, if you can't defeat a champion in those tries, you can get five more if you defeat another champion."

This did reassure him "So who are the champions that I need to defeat, your highness?"

"Revali, the Rito warrior, Urbosa, the chief of the Gerudo, Daruk, the Goron hero, and Mipha, princess of the Zora."

Mipha, that's a name Link hasn't heard in a while.

'I just knew it would be her' Link thought with a smile.

"I will send the champions letters that will let them know of you."

Link realized one thing that might complicate things.

"Wait, how am I supposed to get to gerudo town? They don't allow voe/men in there."

King Rhoam reassures him again "don't worry, just tell the guards your name and that you were sent by King Rhoam and the rest will do their work."

Link was given an extra day to prepare for the journey. Tomorrow, he would head to the Rito region.

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