Chapter 10: A Friend & A Video

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Tomorrow's my birthday and I am not that excited, I mean it's just going to be like every other year... Dad will be at work forgetting it's my birthday so I'll have to remind him, but really there is no point so I probably won't bother. I also hope that the boys will forget about my birthday too, I don't want anything and I don't want to do anything either. I just want to finish the rest of the online school and then not have to worry about it anymore. Anyway now I have to get ready to go out for lunch with Jenn and Jack, I am meeting them at McDonalds because why not.

I walk into McDonalds and look around and see Jack and Jenn so I head over to the table. "Hey guys," I smile as I sit down next to Jack.

"Hey Brinley," they both reply.

"Well I'm going to get something to eat, what do you both want?" We both tell Jenn what we want and she goes and orders it.

"So Jack, you and Jenn hey?" I wink at him.

"Shut up, no." He rolls his eyes.

"Mmhm sure," I laugh. "You two would be cute together." Jack just shakes his head and chances the subject.

Jenn comes back to the table with our food and she sits back down, I grab my food and then grab my purse. I get out some money and hand it to her, but Jenn shakes her head, I place the money down in front of her and start eating my food.

"Brinley, I hear that tomorrow is your birthday." Jenn smiles, damn it they know.

"Uh yeah it is, not to be rude but, who told you?" I sigh.


"Of course he did," I laugh.

~ Kian's POV ~
Okay tomorrow is Brinley's birthday and I got her a pair of earrings but I want to get her something else so that's what I'm going to do today. Lets see, she likes dogs, the colours black and blue. Ugh I'm her boyfriend I should know what to get her, wait she likes penny boarding, I could get her a new board! Okay lets go get her a present.

I walk into the skate store and head to the penny boards, I start to look around then the owner Cory comes over. "Hey Kian, how can help you man?" He asks, yeah okay I may come here a lot.

"I'm just looking for a board for my girlfriend, it's her birthday tomorrow." I pick up a black deck with blue swirls through the black. "And I think I just found the perfect deck for her, do you have any wheels the would match this?" I look at Cory.

"Yeah, we actually have same style on some wheels that would go great with it." He leads me over to the wheels and he grabs the ones he was talking about.

"This is fantastic, thanks Cory." Cory takes the deck and wheels out the back and puts it all together and brings it back out to me. We head to the counter and I pay say thanks again and go back to the house.

I grab the wrapping paper and try to wrap the board up. Okay this is too hard I need Ricky, I get up and head to Ricky's room. "Hey Ricky I need your help wrapping Brinley's present."

"Okay, you guys need to learn to wrap presents I just had to help Trevor and Jc wrap their presents for Brinley." He laughs and follows me back to my room. "Kian that's a sweet board," Ricky says as he sits down on the floor. He starts wrapping it and he's doing t really well too. "All done!" Ricky stands up.

"Thanks Ricky." He smiles and leaves.

~ Brinley POV ~

I just left McDonalds and I am now heading to Starbucks because I don't really wanna go home and I just want to get a drink.

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