Chapter 39

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I went inside the house and found my dad in the living room while my mother was making food in the kitchen.

"Hm! Junk food." I said out loud as I took in the smell of fries and sausages.

"Hey honey, are you okay now?" I guess I was starting to accept the whole situation. I was not fully okay but I was recovering or maybe it was the energy that Janine gave out.

"I've been okay." I lied.

I went upstairs to leave my bag then went back downstairs.

"Hi dad, what are you watching?"

"National Geographic."

"Cool." Dad and I watched that channel together and mom hated it.

"How was school baby?"

"It was okay dad." I bit the corner of my lip.

"Let me go change into sweatpants." I said as I stood up to go to my room. I came back a few minutes later and sat next to dad again.

"I miss hanging out with you." I said to him.

"Me too. We should go watch the hockey game this weekend."

"I'm on board." I said with a smile. I needed a distraction, fast. I hated the mood I was in, I needed something to take my mind off it.

My mom took a seat, she placed the food on the table for us to eat. Mom never let us eat in the living room, there must be a catch to that.

"So, we want to talk to you about something." Mom started and I furrowed my eyebrows, it seemed serious.

"Okay?" I dragged the word. My dad cleared his throat and started speaking.

"Your mom and I have been thinking about something for a while now. A friend of mine owns an orphanage and I went there the other day and felt for those children who don't know how it feels to have parents that care for and love you. So," he paused and looked at my mom then continued, "so we thought that we should adopt one of the children there. It also made us think that you are going off to college next year so having another child left home isn't such a bad idea. What do you think about this?"

I sighed. I mean, it cannot be such a bad thing right? It would mean that I would have a sibling, which is a good thing because it gets lonely sometimes. I'll miss my alone time but I don't see how it's a bad idea. Maybe that could be one positive thing in my life and my parents were really going to get bored when I leave the following year.

"It's okay, no problem at all. How old is the child you are adopting?"

"It's a fifteen year old girl. We'd go for someone younger but I feel like I would not handle it, it's been a while since I raised a child." My mom said.

"Her parents died in a car crash when she was three and she has been at the orphanage since then, no parents have wanted to adopt her so I thought we should take her in." My dad told me.

Wow in a car crash when she was that young? That must have been horrible. To think that the orphanage had been her home for so many years, now I know to always appreciate my parents because some kids grew up without any. Like how Charity grew up without her mother, it must really suck.

"Cool! I can't wait." I said.

"Also, Charity needs some help with homework, so I told Mr. Landforth that you'd go to his house to help her." I was so tired though.

"Alright mom, next time, don't make such promises without talking to me first okay?" I said.

"Noted." She said.

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