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Okay so we are done with this book, I literally can't wait to start updating god of dark, it is going to be something so different, and I will start god of destruction too.

God of desire is something so unexpected as I literally didn't expect many to read it and when I decided to update, my college works would keep me up. But thankfully I updated the whole parts without any delay.

God of dark is Vaughn and Anya's story.

Villian who is actually a Villian, not a broken hero, the one who started the war for his girl who didn't love him back...! Vaughn is a cunning fox but he still has some traits from Sasha..
He stalked her, thats common but what's different is he stalked her not knowing her identity.
He is unapologetic, cunning and never bending jerk, who loves to do things in dark that sometimes even his friends call him dark and here Comes Anya Orlov.
She lived on her own, a goodball with high morals, she has her priorities sorted out and she doesn't take a shit from anyone. She loves herself alot and keeps everything real. According to her lying is bad, and those who lie are monsters. She has been trained by her two Sensei's and two Coaches.
She either cares too much or doesn't give a fuck at all and nothing comes in between. A sowrdsgirl who uses daggers and shiruken's(blades) every now and then. She is a revenge girly who would end someone within minutes.

But what lies beneath is the secrets of her revenge, and his dark lies.
Everything turns back upside down when she realises one thing that she shouldn't have only to get her heart crushed by the monster once again.

Maya and Ilya's story- GOD OF SIN

I sinned, I suffered, I am Maya Sokolov, the unwanted girl, who should have been at worst. Despite of being an attention seeker I didn't let anyone know the main reason behind it. Its not always what it looks like and that one guy who should have stayed away from me broke through my mask, crushed my ego and made me fall for him only to leave me like others. I can see the disgust in everyone's eyes when they look at me. I am the unwanted twin who should have been dead right from the moment I was threathend.
I broke, I stood up. I cared too much that I don't give a fuck at all anymore. I am unwanted? So be it.

Ilya Levitsky, my assigned bodyguard who broke my heart and I crushed his. But years later when my marriage is finally decided, I stood there on the Aisle without my groom who ranawy, proving me unwanted again. But this is how he comes in picture again, the man I once loved. By once I think its already understandable that its past. He was smirking and I dived into this threatening fiasco again just to find out why.

God of Desire: RemiXAriella Where stories live. Discover now