It's a mustache!!! ----> :{

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For the first time, in a very looong time, no one was there to wake me up. I blinked slowly to clear the sleep from my eyes and noticed the unfamiliar room. I panicked for a moment till I remembered where I was. Yes, even I can get panicked though you shouldn't get used to it. Someone then knocked on my door.

"Tara? Are you awake yet?" Klaus's voice rang through the door.

"Yeah." I called grumpily. I hate mornings. He opened the door and became my favoritest person ever! He held out a cup of delicious coffee to me! I loooooove coffee!

"Dude. You are so awesome right now." I said sleepily taking the beverage from him. He even spiked it with blood! As disgusting as it sounds it's actually pretty yummy. He laughed.

"Well I now know how to get on your good side." He acknowledged sipping his own mug. I shrugged.

"So what are we doing today?" I said perkily. He looked at me thoughtfully.

"I don't really have anything planned." He started. I pouted.

"You are useless! I need something to do!" I groaned falling back on the bed.

"You could go to school." He said, smirking. He's as bad as the jack*ss with the smirking. But as predicted my mouth fell open in horror.

"No!! I refuse!! I'll die before I go back!!" I cried putting the covers over me as if it could protect me. He laughed at my escape via blanket.

"Calm down." He chuckled. "You don't have to go back." A look of relief passed my face as I tugged down the blanket, but then he had to ruin it.

"Yet." I yelped and pulled the blanket over my head again. He laughed again before yanking the blanket away.

"Dude!" I yelled. It's a freaking meat room in here. Goosebumps appeared instantly on my arms. I glared at him while trying to get warm again. I'm multitasking!

"And here I thought that Santa was supposed to be nice." I muttered, standing up sadly from the heavenly bed. Klaus stared at me confused.

"What does that old, fat, stalker have to do with anything?" He questioned. I hid my smile.

"Weeell your name is Klaus right?" He nodded. "And his name is Santa Claus. They're pretty close." I said confidently. He still stared blankly at me. I smiled impishly at him before continuing.

"And from what people are telling me you are old and a stalker. Oh and you're also a pedophile! So yeah. You are basically the same person only you aren't fat and cheery." I said, examining him. He stared at me in disbelief and just walked away. I hurried after and walked with him. We ended up in the kitchen which I immediately started nosing through.

"And what are you doing now?"

"Looking for something to eat." I said in a duh tone. I found multiple blood bags, some eggs, cheese, and a tomato. He really needs to go grocery shopping soon. I sighed and pulled some of each ingredient out. Looks like I'll be eating an omelet today. I poured the blood in a glass. It was my favorite, B-. To bad it's rare though. Klaus watched me being the stalker he is.

"Is something wrong?" I finally asked facing him while the egg cooked. He shrugged and drank his blood coffee.

"Do you need to eat?" He asked, completely blowing off my question. I frowned before flipping the egg over.

"Well it helps with the cravings, you know. And it makes me feel human too. I guess I can go on without food but I wouldn't be as healthy. But I never put it up to the test. Longest I had been was 3 or 4 days." I said finishing the cooking and quickly slid it on a plate I found. I took a bite and quietly moaned. Delicious.

"Interesting." He murmured. I raised my eyebrows but didn't say anything. After I washed my plate, because I am not completely rude, I turned and faced him again.

"This might sound stupid but do you have any clothes that maybe would fit me?" I asked blushing slightly.

"Well you and my sister Rebekah look about the same size. You can look and see." He said thoughtfully. I sighed in relief and walked up to the room he described. She surprisingly had good taste. I grabbed a white tank that turned into pink at the bottom, I thought that was incredibly cool. Oh and a pair of black shorts. My shoes I had lost at the Grill somehow. How do I lose shoes at someplace like the Grill? I must've been intoxicated beyond noticing at one point, I decided. I scavenged through her closet before finding some pink and gray sneakers. Normally I'd be against wearing pink but I feel cheerful, alright?

All my life I've been good but now

I'm thinking, what the h*ll

All I want is to mess around

And I don't really care about

If you love me, if you hate me

I quickly grabbed my phone hanging up. As much as I love Avril I needed to turn it off. Reason: It was Damon's ringtone. I checked my missed calls/texts and quietly gasped. 34 missed calls and 48 texts. I must really be popular.

"Everything alright love?" Klaus said suddenly. I gasped and whirled around. He was looking at me coolly from the doorway with his arms crossed as he leaned on it.

"You jerk! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I yelled, hitting his shoulder. He rolled his eyes. Once my heart was back to normal I looked at him curiously.

"And why are you here?" I questioned.

"I heard your phone ring." He said easily but then blurred over to put his hands on my throat lifting me up against the wall. I opened my mouth to try and get some air back. He just tightened his grip and looked in my eye.

"Are you here to spy on me?" He asked starting to compel me. I shook my head furiously.

"Why are you here?"

"I got kicked out. You offered." I gasped.

"By who?" By this time I was starting to see black spots.This is starting to remind me of my last day as Elisa.

"Salvatore." I gasped out and he let go. I slid to the floor trying to catch my breath. Why did he do that? I did nothing! I slid back to the wall trying to get as far as I can get away from him. Guess what they said weren't stories after all.


It's short I know but it's all I can do for now. Sorry for it. But I will try and make the next one longer. I SWEAR!!! Anyways should Klaus go to a grocery store or not? I'm kinda liking the idea but I don't know. Oh and did you like my mustache above? Isn't it awesome? :{ :{ :{ :{ MUSTACHE!!! I had ice cream today so I am a little hyper. Bare with me.

Tara: Hi!!! Oh and Klaus is destroying your room.


Me: Oh god. Who gave him the kid on a sugar rush!!! KLAUS PUT THAT *Smash* down. Oh stop laughing Tara

Tara: It's funny anyways since the bast*rd is going crazy I am here! Aren't you guys happy?

Everyone: No.

Klaus: Hahahahahaha oh look a vase! *crash*


Me: oookay then. well BYE!!

(A/N I can't find the outfit photo! I had it and lost it! I'll try to find it but I can't make any promises. GAH!!!)

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