Sleeping Habits

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Taehyung came out of his room with his phone, heading into the living room. He saw Jungkook asleep on the couch sitting his head resting against the couch's headrest, eyes closed and breaths even.

A fond smile tugged at Taehyung's lips as he approached the couch. He gently sat down beside Jungkook. Holding his phone in one hand, Taehyung reached out with the other, giving Jungkook a gentle poke on the arm."Sleeping, hun?" he murmured softly.

But Jungkook didn't reply. "God, you sleep so deep," Taehyung said as he squeezed Jungkook's cheeks. "Kookoo Kooki Wakey-wakey!," Taehyung said cutely, but Jungkook didn't budge. "Fine~" Taehyung sighed. "Sleep," he said, and started to use his phone.

After some time, Jin came in and sat near Jungkook. "He's sleeping on the couch again! I told him not to sleep here. This position will hurt his back." He said concern.

Taehyung looked up from his phone and replied, "He is Jeon Jungkook, hyung! Do you think he will listen?" Jin just shook his head, and Taehyung smirked and returned to his phone.

Jin sighed and gave Jungkook a gentle shake. "Hey Jungkook, go to your bed and sleep!" But Jungkook didn't wake up. "Yah, Jeon Jungkook, I'm saying something. Wake up, come on!"

"Gosh, it's really hard to wake this brat up," Jin sighed.
"Let him be, hyung. He must be tired, that's why he slept here," Taehyung said. "Really!?" Jin raised his eyebrows. "He practically sleeps everywhere except his bed, whether he's tired or not." He said frustrated.

"Oh right, he slept under the table yesterday," Taehyung recalled.

"See?" Jin crossed his arms.

"Hey, what's happening?" Jimin asked, entering from the entrance door with Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok, who were carrying bags from their shopping trip.

"Jungkook's happening!" Jin exclaimed.

"What?" Hoseok asked, passing by Jimin and Yoongi on his way to the kitchen.

"We've been trying to wake him up, but he's not budging," Taehyung informed. "Oh, just this again." Yoongi said, settling onto the single couch. "Let the kid sleep, everyone deserves a peaceful rest." He added a yawn.

"I don't know about everyone else, but you definitely need some sleep hyung." Namjoon chuckled, joining Hoseok in placing the groceries on the kitchen counter.

"Well, Yoongi hyung always needs sleep, he can never get enough of it." Jimin teased with a smile.

Yoongi shot him a mock glare, but his lips curled into a playful smirk. "Watch it, Jimin-ah," He said in a fake serious tone, causing Jimin to nervously chuckle. "Sorry, hyung." Jimin replied with an apologetic smile, knowing full well that Yoongi enjoyed these little exchanges and shake his head before sitting on the couch 's armrest.

He lightly nudged Jungkook's foot with his own. "Hey, Kook-ah, wake up! We brought some snacks, you don't want to miss out."

But Jungkook didn't react

"He's out like a light." Hoseok observed, shaking his head in amusement. Jimin, undeterred, gently poked Jungkook's cheek. "Come on, wakey-wakey, sleeping beauty!" But Jungkook didn't even stir.

"He's probably dreaming about dance moves right now," Yoongi joked, earning a chuckle from others.

"He must be really exhausted," Namjoon remarked, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Yeah, he's been working non-stop on those dance routines lately," Hoseok said joining others.

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