Episode 28 | Ven dizhok

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Valerie shivered, huddled against the back wall of her cell. The air was cold in the dungeons and it made the uneven stone floor slightly damp to sit on.

The second Bismuth had introduced her, she'd been taken away for questioning. She knew it was nothing against her personally, and they were just wary of another incident with the cult she'd been a part of, but it had hurt non the less when they'd dropped her off in the dungeons after the questioning was done.

She'd managed an hour or so of sleep and woken up a few moments ago with a throbbing headache. Dizziness and nausea were common for her, just due to natural heat sensitivity, but this felt different.

Her stomach felt tight and, seconds later, she was vomiting onto the ground beside her. She panted, squeezing her eyes shut as she tryed to breath through the burning in her throat. She'd been given a decent meal the night before so it definitely wasn't due to a lack of food or overeating.

"Hey, you okay?"

Valerie turned to face the barred entrance to the cell, immediately recognizing the tall ghoul stood there; Bismuth.

She sat back against the wall slowly, still panting. "Probably not." She joked, holding her stomach and squeezing her eyes shut again. The throbbing is her head had subsided, but been swiftly replaced by her usual nausea.

Bismuth frowned, opening the door slowly and stepping into the cell with her. She could hear him quietly growling, but it didnt seem directed at her. "I brought you some snacks. But you probably don't want them right now, huh?" He explained, slumping down against the wall next to her.

Valerie sighed, subconsciously leaning her head on his shoulder. She was too dizzy to really think about what she was doing anyway.

The air ghoul smiled down at her sadly, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and gently strocking his fingers through her hair. Without even meaning to, his tail had made its way around her waist to hold her even closer to him.

There was a strange ache in his soal whenever he was around her. It was a familiar sort of longing, like he needed her so much closer to him than just physically. He wanted her in his soal, to be a permanent part of him that he'd never have to fear losing.

It was the same longing he'd had for Prince a few years ago, although those feelings hadn't lasted.

These ones though, felt like he couldn't escape them if he tryed. He couldn't escape her, not that he'd ever want to.

Valerie frowned. She could feel tears welling in her eyes and it was taking everything she had not to break down in front of Bismuth. She didn't want to put the burden of comforting her on him anymore than she already was.

The gentle embrace he was holding her in was something she hadn't experienced for just over a year. The congregation had viewed the only valuable form of physical affection to be sex, which had been evident from the second she'd arrived.

On every member's eighteenth birthday, all over eighteens in the congregation would welcome them into adulthood vier an orgy. Valerie had already been nineteen when she'd joined, so she'd managed to narrowly escape a celebration of her own, but that hadn't gotten her away from participating in other members' welcomings. She hadn't disliked joining in with the celebrations, she'd just always been quite insecure about her body and worried that an orgy would be the perfect time for people to comment on her appearance and make her dysmorphia even worse.

Due to her heavy involvement with sexual activity and completely lack of all other physical affection for the past year, she seemed to struggle to feel comfortable when one of the Rogues would hold her or give her any sort of gentle touch. It was nothing against them or what they were doing, she just wasn't as used to it like she had been before joining the congregation.

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