Chapter 14: Lucys parents

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It's been a month since the boy's birthday and Lucy and Tim were doing better than ever. The boys were at Lucy's house as it was her week, but they were waiting for Tim to come over with dinner.

Lucy heard the door open, and the boys ran over "Dada dada" they both screamed attacking him. He laughed "Okay boys hugs then highchairs" he barked at them, and they did just that.

Lucy walked over "I still don't get how you've trained them to do that and not complain about it or cry"

He chuckled putting them in their highchairs "They're just used to it. They don't see it as mean they just see it as listening to dad." he turned and looked at Lucy "I know that you think I'm mean to them but trust me I'm the dad I wish I had."

Lucy smiled and walked up to him kissing him softly "I know babe. You're an amazing dad plus I thought you were strict but honestly you just like routine and honestly I like being able to go to sleep and not have toys everywhere." Tim chuckled "You use my tactics over here now don't you"

She nodded as she heard a knock at the door "Who's that?" she asked Tim. He shrugged "I have no clue"

She opened the door and was shocked when she saw her mom standing right there in front of her. "Mom?" she said confused. Her mom barged in "Your dad left again and I figured you still lived here and uhm who are they?" She said looking at Tim and the boys.

Lucy scoffed "2 years ago I told you I was pregnant. You told me to get an abortion and that I was making a mistake, and you haven't talked to me since and then you just show up here unannounced." 

Tim walked over "Maybe you guys could take this in the hall. The boys don't need to see or hear a fight babe" He said to Lucy then walked back over to the boys.

She nodded "Mom this is Tim my boyfriend and these are our boys Deacon and Griffin. The ones you told me not to keep. Tim is right they don't need to see this so we can talk in the hall or you can leave."

Her mom stepped into the hall "We can talk out here" Lucy nodded and followed her to the hallway.

Lucy: Why are you here?

Her mom: I told you your father left again so I need a place to stay.

Lucy: Well as you see I have two kids and a boyfriend you cannot stay here but If you'd like to meet them you can. You don't even know Tim.

Her mom: Is he a cop?

Lucy: Yes?

Her mom: So you're raising two boys with another cop in an apartment. Now you see why I said you should get a different job. You can't afford them.

Lucy scoffed getting pissed off at the conversation "Actually Tim has a house we just haven't mode in together but that's none of your business. If you want to critique me as a mother then just leave but if you want to meet them then come in. They don't have any grandparents it would be nice for you and dad to meet them"

Lucy didn't hate her mom she just didn't understand why she had to be the way she was.

Tim opened the door "Hey sorry to interrupt but do I start bedtime or are you guys coming back in?"

Lucy looked at her mom who sighed "I guess I can come say hi. How old are they?"

Tim scoffed "14 months but you should know that we sent a birthday invitation"

Her mom groaned walking into the apartment "yeah I threw that away I just assumed it wasn't important I never opened it"

Tim was pissed but understood why Lucy let her in. He looked at Lucy "I'm going to your room let me know when to start bedtime" he said kissing her cheek and walking away.

Lucy sighed "Excuse him you anger him. He doesn't take kindly to people who don't care about the boys."

Her mom nodded "And where are they" Lucy walked her further into the living room "In here playing. Deacon and Griff come here" they both walked/crawled over sitting next to her.

"So well behaved and walking already definitely wasn't you who did that." Lucy felt tears in her eyes as Tim walked over.

He felt guilty for leaving her alone then heard her mom and came over "Look I don't think you should downgrade your daughter in front of our boys please. She's a great mom. If it were up to me you wouldn't be here but she's giving you a chance."

Her mom nodded "I'm sorry I just don't like this life for her" Tim nodded "I get that but she's happy. She's got two boys, a career and a relationship I don't think you can pick her life anymore."

There was silence until Lucy broke the ice "Okay well that's Deacon in the red and Griffin in the blue. They're identical so you have to keep them in different colors or you're doomed."

Her mom looked at her weird "why don't you just ask them their names?"

Tim chuckled "this is why. Hey buddy what's your name" he asked deacon "gwiffin"

"Oh I see your problem"

Tim looked over at the clock "Look I'm sorry but they really need to get to bed" Lucy nodded and they all stood up

"It's fine I've got it you guys talk" Tim said taking the boys.

She stood up "It's fine I'm leaving anyways"

Lucy walked her mom to the door "Will I see you again?" She shrugged "I don't know Lucy. Two cops raising kids I just don't condone it"

Lucy nodded and shut the door. As soon as she shut the door she sobbed. Tim heard and went to her "baby it's okay" he engulfed her in a hug

"Why is she so mean. I know we didn't do anything right but just because I'm not married and we don't live together doesn't mean I'm not a good mom" Lucy said placing her head onto his chest

Tim shrugged "We could do those things. Not that it would change how good of a mom you are but if those are the only things that are bothering you why not fix them"

She stepped back and looked at him "Tim we don't have to plus I don't think we're ready for Marriage but-"

He smiled "You'll move in with me?" She nodded "I think we're ready for that do you?"

Tim kissed her "I'm ready for it" she smiled and then they went to continue putting the boys down.

*short but there's more to come*

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