'So What you are telling me is that all this time There has been another person with oss that only you knew about'
'well yeah Charlie' I look at her annoyed 'I am sorry its just that she is very shy and doesnt like people at all and..'
charlie interrupted her 'no no no its fine but i would have appreciated if you told oss she were coming with us. Now my question , how havent we seen her. Like we Are walking to set camp in a new place
.'well we usually walk behind or in front of you, but i still dont Get how did you not Ask were the food came from'
'SHE MADE ALL THE FOOD.' Charlie was shock
you dont have to shout yes she made it likes to cook and asked if she could so i said yes' brooke looked around herself 'oh There she is'
Charlie turner around and as she said There stod a woman figur by the tress she hade long brown hair that was put back in a ponytall. She wore a white dress and a pair of long legwarmers that were white with an green trim on the bottom she looks very Pale. That may be Why brooke wanted to Get her to be more outside.
'WILLOW OVER HER' brooke suddenly shouted.
So thats her name Willow. Willow was slowly walking to them. Now that willow was closer she could see she was really really pale ,like way to pale to be healty for anyone if she hadnt been walking charlie would have thougth that she was dead like that pale. When willow made it to them she stood rigth by Brooke.
'Willow this is Charlie' brooke said 'she is our doc so if you Get hurt then go to charlie'.
'ok..' willow said.
charlie reached out her hand 'dont touch me' willow said ok no touch ' sorry, but hi i am charlie as brooke said' Willow just stared at her. Charlie chose not to comment on her very impractical clothing choices or how pale she was and the fakt she needed more nutrition and food in general she was way to tin for it to be healty and that she knew cous Your girl her has a doctor degree although charlie was pretty sure you didnt need to be a doctor to see that 'So if you need medical help just come to me ok it dont mater What it is Even if it isent medical.
'ok...thank you'willow answered her she seemed shy and like she didnt talk to people much.
'i like Your dress' Charlie said.Charlie looked at willow she now looked very uncomfortable 'sorry if i made you uncomfortable 'she said in a more soft tone.
Willow looked a little surprised as she said ' fine i -j just...'charlie interrupted her 'its ok just tell me if i do something you dont like' charlie guessed she had some trauma with people 'if you dont want or like me to do something just tell me' she replied willow looked surprised'okay..' she said a litle more comfident.
Well thats better then it was rigth? Yeah. 'oh shit!,sorry guys i gatta go' Charlie said as she started running.
I am sorry this is so short i cant write long chapters.
Please if you want to continues to read this dont expect me to update often i am a slow write plus i have to go over the whole ting with Google translate up and correct what i have written then go over agen to looks for Erors.
Please tell me if you find some spelling mistakes i dont know how to spell apparently.
And this is my frist story i have published so please dont go crazy about how bad it is.i do have some un published ones that i have writen that will be put to forget so dont try to Get me to write them on her.
Now i have some rules for you that have taken your time to read this in the coments i dont vant anybody shaming people.her we accept Evrybody okay i dont care if they are a part of the lgbtq+ comunety, have dark skin,Russian,wear glases, i dont care this is a safe space for evrybody
Now that you are all the way down her i wanna thank you for reading my story it means so much to me and i hope you liked it
I know its cringe
(739 Words)
Have a fantastik day!!!!!
- SOSO :)

FantasyCharlie was talking with brooke when she learnt that ther had been another person with them all this time.charlie and her friends will figur out more secrets about this person that had been folowing them maby even meet some creaturs and much more on...