Andys P.O.V
I brushed my long hair out of my face as i slowly woke up, not bothering with hanging around this morning, i needed to walk about. My head was a mess and I’d drank too much last night, I woke up fairly early in hopes of not getting caught by any of the guys, and pulled on some black skinny jeans and a black vest before leaving the bus, I’d walked about 10 minutes before passing a familiar bus, automatic loveletter, just to read the name pained me. I’d always loved the music, but it was scouts favourite band, and after our sticky break up i just couldn’t stand to be around anything that reminded me of her, then i saw Juliet, recognizing her straight away I found myself glaring at her, angry at myself, more then the girl, I’d never even spoken to her. But I’d heard things, she looked so innocenct, how could the things people were saying be true? I pulled a cigarette out and lit it as I carried on walking aimlessly. After walking a few more yards I bumped into Ben, he too was smoking and looked pretty hung over “Rough night, mate?” i Joked as he noticed me. He just rolled his eyes and his deep British accent came out as he said “Tell me about” I laughed slightly and then asked “Is Danny about?” with an eyebrow arched as i watched him rub his head slightly “Errmm, yeah, on the bus” he informed me pointing in the direction he’d just come from, “Cheers mate” i thanked him and carried on walking.
I came across AA’s bus and knocked loudly a few times, rocking on my heels while i waited, “Chill, It’s open” I heard Danny call from inside the bus, i swung the door open and stepped inside scanning the messy bus i saw Danny laying on his front on the sofa, i walked over to him and sat on his back “Hungover?” i asked chuckling “Get the fuck off me!” he shouted but it came out mumbled as his face was buried in a cushion. I obliged and stood up again sitting on the sofa next to him. “What’s up biersack?” he asked as he sat up to look at me. “Nothing…” I mumbled and picked at a broken stud on my belt buckle. “Don’t give me that bullshit!” Danny glared at me for a second before walking over to his fridge and pulling out a bottle of water. I sighed heavily then looked up at Danny who was now stood above me with his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised, “what if i called her? Just once, to apologize for everything?” i asked looking up at him shrugging. His eyes widened in disbelief “What? Fuck no! are you an idiot?” he said sharply and paced up and down the bus on a mini rant about why i shouldn’t call Scout, he was right for the most part and he knew it.
I gave up on my crazy thought and just sunk into the couch slightly, unable to think clearly about what i was going to do “Can i hang out here for abit?” i asked Danny as he plonked himself down next to me “Sure thing bro!” he nodded.
Juliets P.O.V
I went back onto the bus and explained my strange encounter with Andy to my brother, he just raised an eyebrow and stroked his beard in a comical way as he muttered “How strange.. How very strange” I chuckled slightly and checked my phone it was just gone 7am and if there was any time i was going to catch Danny it was now, i hopped up out of my seat said bye to my brother and made my way to AA’s bus.
Calling Danny’s name as i tapped on the bus door i heard him call back “It’s open!”. I opened the bus and stepped inside, “Hay Danny!” i said with a wave and walked further onto the bus, then he caught my eye. I stopped dead in my tracks and gasped slightly “Oh, urm hey, i was just..leaving” he muttered and pushed past me “No you weren’t! come back” Danny called after him. Andy turned to face him and shook his head “Nah, its fine, bye” and with that he left.

Andliet- White Rabbit & Dragonfly.
FanfictionIs it meant to be? Are they ready? Is Andy over his past relationship? Is everything people are saying about Juliet true?