Ash's POV
"Is she dead?" He asks. "I don't think so." we sat on a rock, with her by a tree. "We should bring her back to the camp." I say. "I will help I guess." I take her legs and Michael takes her head. We bring her back to her home.
When she wakes up she seems bothered by Michael having an arm around my shoulder. She asks if it is really us. I say hi. She asks if we are going to stay in the forest. We don't know, but for her sake we say no. She was hesitating on saying something, she hugged us instead. Michael and I jumped back. "Ash, Michael, I'm sorry for everything," She sighs. and she seems better after saying that. "I just couldn't... I couldn't let go of the past," she says. When she lifts her head, her eyes are filled with tears. She stares at Michael and then turns away.
Alex's POV
When I finally open my eyes again, I'm back at camp. I'm surrounded by anxious faces. But they don't matter. "Ash? Michael?" I ask, praying that they're here. "Hi Alex ," Ash says from behind me. Michael has his arm around her shoulders, as usual. The familiar pang sends a spark through my heart. I push it away. He likes Ash. I scold myself. Besides... I hate him. Right? RIGHT?! "So... are you going to stay in the forest?" I ask. I make a silent wish that they won't. "No," Ash says. I sigh in relief. They look at me. "Umm..." I consider making an excuse. Oh, who am I kidding? I give them hugs. They recoil in surprise. "Ash, Michael, I'm sorry for everything," I sigh and let the weight lift from my tired shoulders. "I just couldn't... I couldn't let go of the past,"I said, when I lift my head again, my eyes are blurry. I stare at Michael for a long time, before turning away. Ash looks between us, confused.
Ash's POV
Michael and I decided to stay, for her sake. We didn't want to deal with these people, but it would make Alex happy, I don't know why I care about her. Why does everyone see me as a bad guy, I really am nice. Everyone pretends to care about me, but they really don't give a crap. I ordered Alex to stay inside because of her limp. Yeah I know she isn't helpless, I don't want her to get hurt more. I was going to be a doctor, but this all happened. I didn't even get to go to college. I sit down in my corner and watch as Alex limps around the house.
Once the sun sets I volunteer to take the night shift. Once I get up I make sure to lock the door, learning. When I turn around I see Michael. "What you doing here?" "What is she doing here?" Oh shit did this girl follow me out? I think the girl's name was Lexi. We can't go back, what if a hoard comes up on us? "We can't go back Michael, too risky." "Are we going to play family? Am I going to be a dad?" Fuck, he can be so girly.
Alex's POV
I'm so glad they decided to stay. What if we become friends for a change? The single thought makes me think of peace. I have been ordered to stay inside for the day, although I don't want to. Sure, I limp a little, but who can't stand a bit of pain? Exactly. I want to help keep watch, but like I said, I have to stay inside. Yeah yeah yeah, I know I'm hurt and all that crap, but I'm not helpless! I walk around the house, doing nothing. It feels strange not to contribute, just stay, and watch everyone else work their ass off. Sigh But what really shocked me, was Ash. She wanted me to stay. It's not like you even care. In fact, I bet you want to be in the forest. I agreed though. I don't want her to leave again.
When night falls, Ash steps up to take the nighttime shift. I would go, but again, locked in the fucking cabin. Damn, why did I agree to anything?! I groan and fall onto the couch, wincing slightly as I feel a sharp pain slice through my scarred hip. Ugh fine. Maybe I'll rest for just one night... I think before I drift off to sleep.
My dreams are haunted by zombies. Killing us. All of us. I hear a girl. Screaming. Panting, I wake up. Shhh Just a dream... I grab a glass and fill up with water. The visions become more and more vivid. More and more real. My eyes fly open. They need help.
Ash's POV
The girl is silent, like me when I was a kid. OMG a hoard. Out of all nights, this one, why this one? I pull out my ax. I turn back and Michael was debating whether or not to stay with the girl or help me. I see Alex blast past me. "You were supposed to stay inside." I call after her. She keeps going. She really wants to die. I stand there stunned. She gets hurt again. "Help!" She yells. "Help her!" The girl says. That is the first words she says. These people really do worship her. She yells to go home and tell them to hide. I stay there. She will make it. She struggles to get up. The girl named Lexi runs in to help. I run in after, and then Michael. I see Lexi throw one of Alex's knife, talk about prepared. Alex smiles. WTF, you are encouraging a little kid to kill? She whispers something to little Lexi. It happens too quickly. All the screaming, blood and jumping. I didn't catch a moment. Lexi died.
Alex's POV
I burst out the door, grabbing my pack, ignoring the burning pain all over. I run until I see them. Zombies. A little girl is behind Michael and Ash. Lexi. I charge forward and weakly toss my weapons, clutching my side. "You were supposed to stay inside." Ash yells at me. Shut up Ash I push Lexi back, desperately. Her face is frozen with horror. She stands there. I gasp as a fresh wave of pain clutches me in icy claws of fear. "Help!" I shriek at Ash. "Help her!" yelled Lexi. I push myself of the ground. I stumble again. "Go," I wheeze to her. "Go home, tell them," I stop to cough. "Tell them to hide. The zombies come closer. I finally regain my feet and try my best to help, my best is obviously not good enough. Lexi runs up and and throws one of my knives as hard as she can. I smile at her bravery. I kneel down. "Lexi, I want you to go home, and stay safe alright," I say softly. She shakes her head, determination glowing in her blue eyes. My throat catches as she runs to the front. "No!" I jump in front of her. Idiot, Idiot, Idiot! I stare at her. The fire in her eyes. She was just like me. I murmur. But she's too young. The next events happen in a blur. All I remember is seeing Lexi in a sickening pool of blood. Her own blood. I sob. No, no no. I gather her in my arms, crying. Please no. Stupid zombies. Stupid bite.

Unforgiving Souls
ActionAsh is a normal zombie-slaying (okay fine not so normal) 16 year old girl living during an apocalypse. Life couldn't be better, if you just cut out you know... the zombie part. With her boyfriend Michael, and her slight enemy, Alex, forest life is...