Chapter 16

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16 years later

In a small town there is a clan, this clan is call "Mo" the Mo clan. In the Mo clan is a room that is away from all of the main buildings. In this room, hang yellow talisman, bloody sacrifice symbol on the ground and in the middle sit a man in all white with hair covering his face.

Summon Realm

"Wei Wuxian! Wei Wuxian!" That person fly through the darkness to go find Wei Wuxian spirit. 'Where is he? I need to find him. He need to know what is going on out in the cultivator world. Lan Wangji is going out of control, if Nie gongzi is right then only Wei Wuxian can help me and help Lan Wangji.'

This person then see a person in red and black clothes floating laying down like he is sleeping. "There he is!" He went over to where this person in red and black clothes is at.

"Wei Wuxian! Wei Wuxian! Can you hear me?!" He shouted very loudly so that Wei Wuxian can wake up.

"Who is calling me?" Asked a very weak Wei Wuxian.

"Wei Wuxian wake up! Lan Wangji is walking a dark path to take his revenge on those whose have wrong you!"

'Lan Zhan? Dark path?' Wei Wuxian snap his eye open. He search for the voice that is talking to him. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAID?!" Shouted Wei Wuxian, "who are you anyway?"

This person got closer to Wei Wuxian, "my name is Mo Xuanyu. I want to summon you back so you can help me take revenge, also, want you come back alive so that you can help Lan Wangji."

"No! You said something about Lan Zhan taken the dark path. Tell Me!"

'I heard that Wei Wuxian doesn't want to wait,' "after your death, Lan Wangji take half of the Yin Hufu with him. He went back to the burial mound to look for you, while there Lan Qiren and the Lan elder went to find Lan Wangji. They ask Lan Wangji to hand you over to them. Lan Wangji end up fighting the Lan elder, soon after that Lan Wangji was taken back to Cloud Recesse to get punished."

"Punished for what?" Wei Wuxian asked. "For hurting the Lan elder."

Wei Wuxian is getting very angry and worry at the same time, "how many?"

"How many what?"

"How many times did Lan Zhan get hit by there stupid rule rod?!" Wei Wuxian is getting more angry now.

"33 time for each of the Lan elder."

"What happen after that? How did Lan Zhan end up taken the dark path? How did he turn dark?"

"After getting punished by Lan Qiren, Lan Wangji got carried back to his home but soon after that he got up and left the Lan clan. He went back to the burial mound to take control of the Yin Hufu. He said that if you can do it, so can he."

'Lan Zhan no no no no no.You can't do this, I only take this path because I don't have a golden core anymore,' "what happen after that?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"After taken control of the dark energy, he went from pure white Lan heir a dark Lan Wangji. He went to the Jin clan during their Discussion Conference to torture those whose have wrong you. He save Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen from getting kill by Xue Yang."

"My Shishu?" Mo Xuanyu nodded his head. "Wei Wuxian, your the only one who can save him.You can use my body to go back to the living world."

"Sacrifice Summon?" Mo Xuanyu nodded his head again. "How?"

"Nie Huaisang."

"Nie Xiong?"

"We become friend when he saw what happen to me. I was framed by Jin Guangyao, he saw a few disciples passing by and that is when he grabbed my hand and put it on his throat. He screaming and said that I was killing him or something like that. Nie gongzi gave me a book, this book belong to you. The book show me how to use sacrificing summon ritual to bring someone back to live and that person have to do my wish." (I know is not right but go with it)

Wei Wuxian sigh, 'Nie Xiong, you shouldn't give it to someone who doesn't know if he is doing it right or not,' "why do you want me to use your body? Answer me first?" 'This Mo Xuanyu, he seem like a nice person. Why give up his body for me?'

"The Mo family doesn't treat me right. Mo Ziyuan is the one who keep on bullying me and beating me up. I want to get rid of all of them, I can't stand their abuse anymore. When my mother pass away, they stop treating me like part of their family. Even Jin Guangshan doesn't want to take me back."

"Jin Guangshan? What is your relationship with him?"

"He is my father."

"Does this mean Jin Guangyao is the same thing?"

"Yes, Jin Guangshan went around the world traveling. He met many beautiful women and got them pregnant."

"Which mean he has other illegitimate children out there somewhere." Mo Xuanyu nodded his head.

Wei Wuxian sigh again, "Listen, I will still help you. I need you to go back, look at the book again."

"What? Why?"

"There is a page in my book that said "if the person they want to summon doesn't want to take over that person body, then that person can split their two soul apart" find that page, write talisman and put it around the circle. In my book, there is page about keeping people out. Put up that talisman inside of your room on the door. This way no one can enter or knock down the door."

Mon Xuanyu nodded his head, just as he is about to leave Wei Wuxian stop him. "Wait."

"Is there something else?"

"I know that you want to help me, I also want to help you too. You need to be patient, do this correctly. If not, the two of us won't get our wish. When you do this correctly, you will have your own body and so will I. I will protect you from your family, I will take you with me. Okay? No need to rush yourself."

"Okay. Please wait for my return." Wei Wuxian nodded his head. Mo Xuanyu disappeared from there.

When Mo Xuanyu is gone, Wei Wuxian break down and cry, 'Lan Zhan, I'm sorry I cause you to become like this. I didn't know my death will cause you to turn into a different person. I'm sorry Lan Zhan.' "Lan Zhan."
DONT WORRY MY FOLLOWER AND READER! ^_^ this story is still Wei Ying POV. And Mo Xuanyu as well. And maybe jump back to Lan Zhan for just a little bit. Okay okay! Please leave me a comment and tell what do you all think of this chapter? Like please let me know! PRETTY PLEASE❤️❤️❤️❤️

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