Chapter 18

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I slowly awoke to a light tugging on my hair. I opened my eyes to see Tony looking down at me, twisting the Jedi braid he had braided into my hair to match him in between his tattooed fingers. When he saw I was awake he smiled.

"Good morning beautiful." He said. I smiled and scooted closer to him, cuddling into his chest more.

"Good morning." I said.

"So, how about I show you around San Diego today?" He asked.

"Yes! That sounds awesome, I've only seen in pictures, but it seems beautiful here." 

Tony chuckled. "It is, I love it here."

We both got up and took quick showers. Separate >.>

Then we got ready for the day.

Since we woke up late, we decided to go get lunch at the Taco Bus. After that Tony was showing me around the city. It was beautiful!

We were walking down the street holding hands.

A few people welcomed Tony home, and a few fans came and asked for pictures and autographs. 

A very short girl and her uninterested friend walked up to us. The small one smiled shyly at Tony.

"H-hi." She said.

"Hey!" Tony replied.

"I- I love your band, and I was wondering i-if I could get a picture with you?" She asked shyly. 

"Of course." Tony said. She stood next to Tony and he towered above her. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, making a thumbs up with his other hand. They both smiled big and her friend took the picture. I smiled at them. Tony looked happy. I know he loves what he does. I love it too. 

Once she got a good one, they pulled away and the girl looked at me, then Tony.

"Is this your girlfriend?" She asked.

Tony smiled and took my hand. 

"Yeah, she is. This is Audrey." He said to her. 

I smiled and waved at the girl.

"Wow, Tony she's really pretty, can I get a picture of you two being all cute?" 

I laughed. "Sure."

She took her camera out and turned it on. Tony wrapped his arms around my shoulders and I wrapped mine around his torso. I smiled, and right before the girl took the picture, Tony kissed my cheek. When the flash happened the girl looked at the picture and squealed.

"Oh my god! This is so cute! Thank you both so much!" She said and gave us both a hug. She walked away with her friend and I smiled at Tony. 

"Your fans are so nice." I laughed.

"Yeah, I know, they're the best. We love them."

We continued walking in town. We walked past a tattoo shop with a sign that read "TATTOOS AND PIERCINGS" I stopped and pulled Tony back. I had always wanted a tattoo, but Andy didn't approve. 

I heard Tony laughing beside me. I looked up at him.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"You wanna get a tattoo?" He smirked.

"N-no, I mean, I do, but it's a lot of money to get a tattoo and I don't have any, I don't want you paying for it Tony." I said. It was true, I didn't like money being spent on me, I always felt like I had to pay the person back, even if they told me not too.


"Babe, I've been wanting a new tattoo for a while, and I'm your boyfriend, I'm supposed to spend money on you." He winked. My stomach fluttered when he said "I'm your boyfriend." 

Tony Perry was my boyfriend. The man I've had a celebrity crush on for years. The man who helped me cope with life. He was my boyfriend. And he was perfect.

I stood up on my tip toes and kissed him. He smiled at me

"What was that for?" He questioned.

"For being perfect." I said.

"That would be you." He kissed my forehead.

"Now come on, You're getting your first tattoo today." He said and pulled me into the shop. 

He was immediately greeted by all the workers in the shop. Well damn. He must come here a lot. I thought.

"So Tone, got a lady I see?" A young guy around our age said to Tony, pointing to me.

"This is my lady!" Tony laughed. I giggled.

"Well, she seems like a good one to me. She getting something done?" 

"Yep, her first tattoo." Tony explained.

"Ohhh, no tattoos and she's dating you? Damn. Gotta get her covered Tone." The guy laughed. He led me over to a chair, Tony following.

"So, what are we getting?" He asked me. I thought for a moment. I had a lot of tattoos planned for when I could actually get them, but for now I had to choose one. 

I decided on the one I wanted most. Which was the lyrics

"They say that all beauty must die, I say it just moves on." With The Rev's deathbat under the lyrics. I wanted it on the side of my thigh. 

I told the guy, who's name I learned was Jamie, what I wanted. He told me I would, of course, have to take off my pants to get it done. 

I looked at Tony worriedly. He told me it was okay, and that they did it in a private room and he'd stay with me. I nodded and we walked back into a separate room. 

Jaime instructed me to sit in the chair while he got everything ready and showed me samples of different font. I wanted a calligraphy font he had showed me. 

He had gotten the needles ready and was kneeling down, focusing on where I was getting it done. Tony held my hand.

When the needle had hit my skin it stung and I winced. After a while I got used to it. It took about and hour, because it was small, and most of the detail was on Jimmy's deathbat.

But when it was finished, I looked at it in the mirror. It was perfect.  After I was finished, Tony decided he wanted to get a rubix cube tattooed on his leg. (yeah , I know he just got this but shhhh)

The guy told me I couldn't put my skinny jeans back on because it would  rub the ink and smudge it. It was good thing I always brought a pair of shorts in my bag in case of....girl things.

When Tony's tattoo was finished, he paid for both and we left.

"Thank you, I love it." I said.

"It was no problem, but like Jamie said, we gotta get you covered." He laughed. 

"That would be awesome, I love tattoos." 

We walked a while until we reached the beach. 

We walked along the shore, careful not to get any sand or water on our fresh ink. We walked hand in hand. 

The sun was setting and it was just perfect. 

Tony stop walking but held my hand.

"Audrey." He said, pulling me closer to him.

"Hm?" I hummed.

"I- uh, nevermind." He shook his head and looked out to the ocean.

"Tell me." I said.

He took in a big breath, and pulled his hands away from mine, placing them on either side of my face.

"I love you." He whispered. I paused for a second. I wasn't sure what I should say. I had trust issues when it came to love. Andy had said it plenty of times but obviously it meant nothing. Tony was a rock star. But he also wasn't like most of them. He was shy and sweet. And he knew how to treat a woman. He seemed sincere. The longer it took me to respond, the more his face fell. 

His hands dropped from my face, to his sides. I loved him. I did. But I couldn't bring myself to say it. I was choked up.

"I- I love you too." I finally spit out. Tony looked up at me.

"I love you..." I said again.

He stepped so close to me that our bodies were touching. 

He once again took my face in his big hands and kissed me. It was a passion filled kiss.

I kissed back and felt him smile into it, causing me to smile.

When we pulled away we both whispered at the same time,

"I love you."

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