35- Friday

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A/N: I'm alive!!! Everyone's comments actually gave me enough motivation to write some stuff, so I'm updating!! Remember to comment anything you want to see!

Also, this chapter is lowkey filler in the second half, but it's just to prepare for the next chapter *wink*

Noah sighed and sat down at his desk. He looked over at the boy towards the front of the room.

"Holy shit, will you knock it off?" Heather practically threw her book on the desk while scolding Noah.

The boy looked at her as she sat down, "Excuse me?"

"God, why am I always helping you all with your relationship problems as if I know anything about this shit? Stop looking at him like that, and go talk to him."  She pointed directly at Cody, who was too busy talking to Gwen to notice.

Noah pushed her hand down quickly. "Don't act mad about helping people with their problems if you're just interjecting yourself into everyone else's lives. And no, I'm not going to talk to him. He can do whatever he wants, but it's not my problem anymore."

Before she could say more, the teacher started the lesson.

Noah thought about that interaction with Heather for the rest of the day. He walked out of the school and toward his car, but he caught a glimpse of Cody walking to his bus.

He decided, in that moment, to stop being a nonchalant and sarcastic coward. Noah marched toward Cody and called out, "Gap."

Cody turned around, confused as Noah caught up to him.

Noah stood in front of him, contemplating what to say. "What's going on with you?"

The boy shrugged his shoulders, "nothing, I'm fine."

"No, you're not. What even was that on Tuesday? All that shit about me not caring about your problems?" Cody avoided his gaze.

"I'm sorry for saying that." Cody paused for a moment. "My parents are coming home for Christmas."

Noah gaze softened slightly. "Oh."

Cody shrugged again, "It's no big deal, I guess I just got kinda upset thinking about your big family and how you're all going to spend Christmas together." Noah nodded. "I shouldn't have taken it out on you, though, and I'm sorry."

"Don't sweat it, Gap, it's fine," Noah gave him a smirk before hitting his shoulder, "you didn't have to take it out on me, though."

Cody smiled at him. He turned around quickly when he heard the busses driving away. Noah laughed lightly, "guess I'm giving you a ride home."

"Thanks, Noah. Oh, what did you want to talk about when you came to my house on Tuesday?"

Noah shook his head slightly, "It was nothing, don't worry."

Heather was sprawled out on her bedroom floor, typing away at her phone.

Someone flopped down next to her, making sure to obstruct Heather's view of the screen by placing her whole face in front of Heather's. "Who ya' texting?" Bridgette asked jokingly. Heather pushed her head away and laughed. "Oh, I know! You're texting your boyfriend," the girl made sure to draw out the last words, making Heather blush slightly.

"Of course she is," Courtney chimed in from Heather's bed, "if he's not physically all over her, he's blowing up her phone. It's gross."

Heather rolled her eyes, "like you and Gwen aren't the exact same way."

Courtney blushed and threw a pillow at Heather. The threw girls laughed loudly as Heather threw the pillow back at the other girl.

Bridgette checked her phone, "What are you guys doing over winter break?"

Courtney shrugged. Heather tossed her phone to the side as she answered, "my parents are taking me to the Bahamas."

Bridgette nodded, "Everyone's doing cool stuff over the break and I'm just stuck at home!"

"I'll be visiting my family a few hours away, but I think I'll be home for New Year's if you want to hang out?" Courtney asked, checking her phone's calendar.

Bridgette nodded her head excitedly. "I think Noah will be back by then, too. I know we don't hang out with him much, but it'd be fun to invite him."

Heather turned to Bridgette, "where's Noah going?"

Courtney set her phone down, "last week he said he's being forced to go on a road trip with his family. He won't be back until the 29th." She turned her attentions to the blonde, "and sure, we can invite him."

Heather turned on her phone again and quickly sent a message

Bitch: are you going somewhere over break?

Cody's bf: yes? Why?

Bitch: stop being a chicken and ask Cody out before you leave

Cody's bf: why do you care so much?

Bitch: why are you so scared?

Read 5:22 pm

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