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In the middle of a vast open ocean, a small remote island lay hidden, an eerie presence seemingly emitting from beneath and around the waves that surrounded, the night air adding to the unease.

On the island, there was one inhabitant. A girl, looking around nine years old, donning a traditional black and purple outfit and laying on a particularly high branch the surrounding trees offered. She stared curiously at her left pinky, feeling the familiar pull and letting her hand stretch as far as it could in the direction of it. There was always a tug there, though she never knew why. Her father was always angry when she asked, telling her it wouldn't matter once they were able to escape the island and rule the world. She was eager for that day.

The tug always led across the waves, in the direction of a place she had been told stories of but could never go. Ninjago, the place her father wanted so desperately to claim as his own. She wanted to go there too, sick and tired of the small patch of land this sorry excuse of an island had. It got boring, spending her days alone with just an orb of her fathers voice commanding her.

Somewhere in the jungle of the island, there was a boulder with hand dials on its surface. Supposedly, it was supposed to cause the full island to rise. Unfortunately for the girl, she didn't have four arms. The dials never worked for her, and her disappointment was crushing, longing for a chance to just escape this prison.

The air suddenly felt colder, and the girl stiffened, lifting her head up slightly and looking around, feeling eyes on her. She wasn't alone. Her left hand fell, and she felt her ears twitch, listening intently for the source of the disturbance, alert.

"[Name]," A voice boomed out, and the girl scrambled to sit upright, her eyes zeroing in on a pinkish-purple orb floating towards her.

"Yes, father?" She responded with a slight shake to her high voice, her mind racing with endless possibilities of what he could need her for. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she bounced her foot anxiously against the branch as she tried her best to keep composure in front of him.

"It is time, my child." The voice chuckled darkly, and the girl's brows furrowed, trying to make sense of his vague and ominous words.

"Time?" Her voice asked in a confused manner, tilting her head with a hint of a childlike curiosity. "Time for what?"

The orb flew close to the girl's face, causing her to flinch back in surprise. "For you to go to the mainland." It charged at her, causing her to gasp and cover her face.

The world faded to black.


very short prologue but i hope it was interesting enough lol!!!! updates may be extremely irregular because this story isn't really my main focus, but i'll try my best to update at least once a month

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