"Here she comes!"
"Do you think she can even talk?"
"I don't care. Her beauty is on an entirely other level."
"I think Liam would know better. How's her voice, Liam?"
I Look up from my phone to Allister a frown finding its way on my face.
"She talked to you, right?"
I know exactly who they're talking about. Yet I chose to not go along with their nonsense. It's been a few months now since she first came here and she's still the butt of their jokes. It's getting really annoying.
"Well..what about that.." Noah's voice cuts my thoughts and all the heads snap to him.
"I can make sure all of you hear her voice." He says with a mischievous look on his face and I just roll my eyes at the hoots of the guys.
"And how is that?" John asks as a sly grin makes its way to his face.
"I can make her talk to me."
"Oh come on.."
"What? We've ensured that she can talk since she talked to Liam. Then.. I bet I can make her do more than just talk." His smirk grows higher as he talks and my frown just deepens..
"You bet?!"
"I I can make her fall for me by the end of the month."
"I'll take the bet. Fifty bucks that Noah's got the charms." Jake chimes playfully
I scoff at their antics a feeling of unease filling me. I watch as John's face grows playful
"I don't think that she would be swayed." He says and then nudges me lightly.
"What about you, Liam? You're on?"
So they're going as low as betting on girls now. What's so interesting in betting on people's lives? They think they're too clever. That's bullshit. She's just a girl. They're treating her like a joke.
I glance at the necklace in my hands and look up. My eyes find her almost immediately.
"I'm not interested in betting on people's feelings. Count me out." I say as my eyes follow her.
She's completely oblivious of what's going on around her and for some reason it annoys me. How can someone be that clueless? She's about to get into some deep shit without even knowing. Even when she hasn't even interacted with anyone on campus since she started coming here.
John's voice pulls me out of my thoughts. "Come on dude. It's just a bet. Just a game. No big deal."
"Exactly, I don't game with people, Allister." I say throwing a glare in his direction.
I push myself off the wall and make my way to class. I don't know why it's erking me that hard. But it just doesn't set right with me.
I open my hand to look at the necklace again and let out a sigh.
It's none of my business.
As soon as I enter the class, I slip into my seat and put my head down to sleep. Trying to fall asleep, I push all the thoughts off my mind. To my absolute annoyance, whispers start filling the place within minutes. As I look up, I see none other than Noah and the other guys. Of course. They hadn't been in any of the classes since the beginning of the semester and now of course they had to be here. In that class. The only class we share with the new girl.
I watch as Noah starts his walk to her and oh so lucky for him the seat next to her was empty.
" that taken?" He asks..
Torn between my annoyance and curiosity I find myself staring..waiting for her response, watching her reactions instead of just going back to sleep.
She shakes her head slightly as she starts moving a little with her books and stuff, clearing the space next to her -noting that the desks and chairs are individual-
He takes his seat and waves slightly at her, a mischievous boyish smile on his face.
"Hi, I'm Noah."
She nods slightly before she opens her book and immerses herself into it completely ignoring him.
"Not the talkative type, huh? It's ok. I can do talking for both of us." He smiles.
I roll my eyes at his persistence. My lips almost tugging up into a smile as I notice how she doesn't even spare him a glance.
The professor comes in announcing the start of the class.
Histology, oh great.
I roll my eyes putting my head down.
I better save the energy my mitochondria worked so hard on producing.
As I start feeling movement and voices getting louder around me I sit up in my seat realising that the class is over. My eyes find their ways to the girl's seat. I find her quietly putting her things away in her bag. Noah still pestering her, as she tries hard to keep politely smiling at him. Her discomfort showing so obviously. Yet it looked like someone was pretty much oblivious. Or rather acting like it.
As she starts walking out, Noah quickly grabs his things and follows her. I scoff at his persistence getting a slight tinge of annoyance. My eyes keep following them as I make my way out as well. Noah suddenly stops infront of her, blocking her way.
"Can I at least get your name?" He asks with a smile almost sincere.
She lets out a sigh as her frustration starts to show, looking at him with a tight smile.
"Jasmine. My name is Jasmine."
"Noah." He says extending a hand towards her. But to my amusement, she ignores it, nodding curtly with a polite smile.
"Nice to meet you." She says and walks away leaving him slightly annoyed but still smirking.
"Looks like your charm doesn't work on everyone after all." Allister says smirking at Noah.
"One step at a time, John, my friend. One step at a time. Today she told me her name. By the end of the month she'll be screaming mine." He says. A dirty sly grin on his face, throwing a wink at Allister, earning chuckles and hoots from his friends.
I look at her retreating figure and back at Noah to find him looking at me. I smirk at him knowing that he is absolutely frustrated at how she ignored him all day. I turn on my heels going in the opposite direction.
At the end of the day I was walking out in the parking lot to my car. As I was about to open the door I see her. She was crouched by her car looking at the ground beneath her legs. I watch her for a moment trying to figure out if she was ok. Her eyes meet mine and I watch as she immediately looks away ahead of her, her expression faltering a little before it comes to one of relief.
She stands up, a shadow of a smile on her face. She opens her car door and gets in. As soon as she pulls out of the parking and drives away, I get into mine and turn on the engine, driving away as my mind keeps drifting back to her.