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Kevin Blanc

Age: 22 [Date of birth: 3/21/2035]

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Age: 22 [Date of birth: 3/21/2035]

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 163lbs

Species: Human

Personality: Kindhearted, courageous, determined

Background: Kevin was born 2035 on Planet Eden to the Blanc familiy, his parents had taken him to Earth in 2040 for the Macross's Anniversary. The tragedy left behind during the Sharron Apple Incident had left him without his father growing up, since then he has completed school and enrolled in the military in March 2056. He soon found himself getting stationed at Virgil City on Planet Gainer, and with little experience he hopes he can make a name for himself out here.

Penelope Cherhack

Age: 38 [Date of birth: 2/12/2019]

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Age: 38 [Date of birth: 2/12/2019]

Height: 6'8"

Weight: 356lbs (Normal for Big Furthro's)

Species: Furthros (Humanoid Labrador)

Personality: Loyal, very intelligent, loyal, determined

Background: Penelope was born 2019 to the Cherhack family on Planet Gainer, her childhood growing up was difficult as she had 9 members in her pack. Being the second oldest, her parents expected lots from her and that led to her becoming a technology scientist by the age of 19. But when Macross 8 Virgil landed on Gainer in 2051 things would look up for her, quickly becoming enthralled by these new alien beings, she soon joined their ranks quickly becoming the Chief Engineer of the Gainer Research Facility.

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