Mass fanart

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So I drew blobs of all of the socksfor1 au's I know of off the top of my head

So I drew blobs of all of the socksfor1 au's I know of off the top of my head

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I shortened all of the AU names so they would all fit on the page btw!

SS!/ShapeShifter Socks and VS!/vita selsous (just remembered I renamed that au Mutationem Carnis- whoops-) Socks are both AU made by myself!

Gulb/Gulvic are from Two Sided, made by NephaliMations

Blaza/blaze and Akik are both from No Turning Back, E! Blaza is from Experimental AU, both AU's are made by TheAddieDragon

Haunted Laff and Haunted L4FF are both from Haunted, made by LratioImagine/Rainbow

CB/Candy Blaza is from the Candy AU, made by SquishyWritesStories

BW! Socks is from the Black Worm AU, made by alleballz 

Sorry for all of the @'s, I wanted to give credit to all of the AU owners!

If there are any other socksfor1 au's I should draw, please let me know! :D

Also if I have enough motivation I might remake this but instead of just little blobs I'll probably do full bodies! :3

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