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When I opened my eyes I was flustered and it felt like I didn't know where I was. My head was throbbing and my mouth was so dry.

I sat up and found myself immediately walking to my kitchen in just my bra and a pair of my sleeping shorts to get some ibuprofen and water. When I made my way to the living area, I was met with Luke and Alex on the couch deep into conversation and my footsteps seemed to have made them look my way.

I immediately backed away into the hallway again and went into Audrey's open door.

When I shut her door I practically mauled her and start screaming into her pillows, much to her demise because it ended with her slapping me to get me to shut up.

"Will you stop, my head is killing me," She said still muffled because of her attempts to tune me out with her blanket.

"I would stop if Luke Hughes wasn't in our living room talking to your boyfriend right now," I said deadpanning at her.

"Addie he's not my boyfriend," She said obviously not realizing everything I had just said, "Wait did you just say Luke's in our living room?" She said seeming to sober up immediately.

"I did just say that," I whined while I dragged her blanket off of her, "Now you have to come out there with me so I don't have to walk out there alone."

She quickly pulled some clothes on while I had to rummage through her closet to find something to wear, until I decided on just an oversized tshirt I'm pretty she stole from my closet.

She opened her door quietly, and practically dragged me out of the room through the hallway to the living room.

When we finally entered the living room area, Alex spoke up first as Audrey walked to sit next to him while I let go of her hand and walked into the kitchen, "If it isn't the women of the hour."

As Audrey sat close to him to embrace him in a hug she replied, "Oh shove it Alex. Luke, how are you?" She said while giving Alex a hug and ruffling his hair.

"I'm doing great Audrey, have a nice night?"

"Sure did, lots of fun. Wasn't it Addie?" She said while turning it look at me, trying to look like I'm doing something.

"Of course. Lots of sex and kissing and men," I said feeding into her joking with Luke.

While Alex looked amused, Luke didn't seem to find it funny.

"Oh I bet," He said while nodding his head and lifting himself off of our couch.

As Audrey and Alex started their own conversation, Luke had made his way next to me walking around the kitchen, he lowered his voice, "Are you feeling alright Ads?"

In response I just nodded without verbally replying, I opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed some medicine.

Once I turned around I was met with Luke right infront of me, "I'm sorry alright," he lifted my head up with his hand.

"I was overwhelmed, and you know how I can't communicate my feelings."

I rolled my eyes and went to the left of him to get water, "You sure did communicate your feelings when you went to your room with another girl, while I was down the hallway," I laughed.

I continued to rant, "You do realize shit like that hurts Luke," I let out while I drank the water I got for myself.

"I know, I know. Trust me, everyone in my family has been on my ass about not treating you with the respect you deserve. I'm so sorry"

"Luke, I really think it's better if we're just friends," Even though this hurt me to say, I knew it was for the better.

"If that's what you want, it's what I want," He smiled at me and I smiled back.

I walked the two steps towards him and engulfed him in a hug, "I missed your dumb ass you know?"

"I missed you too Ads"

"Now get off me, I need to lay down all day." ౨ৎ

tourniquet, luke hughesWhere stories live. Discover now