27- Reagan Ashford

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I was sitting in a meeting room . With a man presenting a presentation about god knows what because I was distracted . Distracted because my mind couldn't comprehend with the fact that I Reagan Ashford was not a virgin anymore. In fact the one who took my virginity was none other than the most beautiful, pretty , dangerous, and way out of my league Dior Moretti.

I guess it was the latter.

Her soft hands all over my body. The way she had kissed me , marked me , fucked me , owned me. Oh god . The images kept replaying in my mind and I was a man obsessed because how can a person be so ethereal I had no idea.

Her voice , her moans , her eyes , her body , her mind , her heart I wanted it all to myself. How much I was missing her right now. How much I just wanted to go and kiss her and tell her about my day and just hug her and stay in her embrace.

I just wanted this day to end and be with her , the reason for my distraction.

I was so busy thinking about her that the man standing in front of me called my name again.

"Sir." Huh

"Huh." I cleared my throat . The whole cabinet was staring at me , so embarrassing . I blushed deep. This is very bad is what my inner Reagan was telling me . The one frowning deeply upon me at my actions. But I only rolled my eyes at him . Shooing him away .

"Sir, I am done." I could even see my assistant Christian face palming. Oh god.

"Oh , yes ." I said as I got up from my seat all jitttery and made my way outside, well not before shaking the man's hand and telling him how good he had presented .

And just like that my day went on working and me getting distracted by my doll's thoughts .


I was sitting in my office when the huge double doors of my office opened up revealing in all her glory the reason for my absence of mind today at work. The reason for my distraction. The reason for my heart eyes and distracted self.

She stalked in wearing the most gorgeous black dress I had ever seen in my life. Which had my lower region stirring to life. Not before I noticed a very tensed and nervous looking Christian haphazardly making his way behind Dior.

Oh my god. I cleared my throat and got up from my place , rounding the huge table I made my way towards her.

She was looking so ethereal . Get a grip you idiot. I was staring , she was staring but Christian's annoying presence was disturbing .

"Christian." Dior addressed.

"Yes ma'am ." He said lowering his head from her piercing stare.

"Leave us alone." That's it , how I wish it was her commanding me. I would immediately beg to her . Fuck .

"Ma'am but... Sir ." He said looking towards me secretly asking for my help .I raised my brow at him urging him to continue.

"Sir your father is coming here in 10 minutes." He said nervously.


"Tell him I am busy." I said as Dior made her way towards me encircling her arms around my shoulder and leaning in to kiss my jaw. My hands instinctively encircled her waist pulling her warm body even closer to me. Fuck her scent is amazing .

"I missed you." Her voice . Oh god , I don't know what I did to deserve this kind of treatment.

Christian's eyes widened at me as he gawked at us. He reached around and pinched his other hand. And hissed when it stung. Gawking even more at the show in front of him.

"But ... but . Yes sir ." He said still in utter shock at me and my actions. Because he had never seen me with a woman before. And even with doll , he had thought this would last. But guess he was wrong. And the fact that I just told him to say no to my father.

I smirked at the thought . Reagan 1 and Christian 0.

He nodded his head and pursed his lips shut , spun on his heels and speed walked out of the room. Which made Dior chuckle in my neck.

"Hi." She said pulling herself away from my neck. And all I wanted was to push her again and let her be in my embrace. But I resisted that urge. Her voice sending goosebumps all over my body.

"Hi ." I said as I guided her towards my desk. But she had other plans .

She pushed me in my chair and sat on my lap side ways.

"I missed you." She said again gazing at me with her doe eyes which had me going crazy.

"I missed you more ." I said as I leaned in her neck taking in her addicting scent and enclosing my arms tightly around her body. Fuck she is the best thing to happen today.

"Work is giving me a headache ." I said sighing.

"Let me help you Quore Mio." She said as she slowly started massaging my shoulder instantly untying the knots in them relaxing me. I sighed as I rested my head against her shoulder whilst she sat comfortably in my lap giving me the best massage a person could ever give.

She did it for a while from my shoulder to my scalp paying attention to everything . But my sweet heaven was interrupted when a knock came on the door. My attention zoomed in on the door as Dior stood up from my lap.

"Come in." I said as Dior rounded the table and sat on the couch which was kept on the other side of the room.

Lighting up a cigar which magically appeared out of no where.

And the doors opened revealing the person which I least wanted to see.

My father .

This day was going so better without him .

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