Chapter 15

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I woke myself up to the headboard of Vonté and Nadia's room banging against the wall. I shot up and walked to their room. I banged on the door and the banging of the headboard on the wall slowed down. I heard footsteps walking towards the door. The door opened. It was Vonté who answered. He walked out breathing heavily. "Why are you up," He began before trying to catch his breath. "At 11:30 at night." He finished. "And hurry up before my erection wares off Bruh." He said. I giggled. "I'm up because of yall freaky selves." I joked. He faked a smile. "Well go sleep with Zay then. You can't hear us in there." He said. I playfully pushed his shoulder. "Freak." I joked. He mocked me. "I'm glad you're doing better." He said hugging me. I hugged back and held onto my brother. "Alright. Imma go finish up Nadia and beat it up." He joked. I laughed and he ran back in the room.
Isaiah POV
I woke up next to Zoe in bed. I sighed and caressed her hair. I didn't feel like kissing her. For some reason the Sparks were just gone. In a few days she goes into month number 9. The month where the baby is born. The bittersweet month. It's like heaven and hell were pushed together and someone yelled "MAKE IT WORK!" which in my case is impossible. Exactly. Month number 9 is the month of impossibilities. Wait what am I saying? You know what, Imma just go shower while I think about what I just said cause that ain't make no sense right there. I got up and Zoe rolled over. I still ain't feeling her. I sighed and my phone vibrated. I looked at it and it was Aaliyah.

AALIYAH: we spendin time together?

ME: yea baby y


ME: idk

AALIYAH: we better hang out today or this relationship thing is being called off 😑💔

ME: 😟 I'll b by at 12 😞

AALIYAH: great! Thnx! Luh u baby 😘

ME: Ly2

AALIYAH: type it out

ME: love u 2 ❤️

AALIYAH: let's work on an "I love u 2" k? Thnx

I put my phone on the nightstand and decided to get dressed since it was 10:45. I hopped in the shower for about 30 minutes. At 11:15 I was getting dressed and doing my hygiene and everything else. I brushed my teeth after I ate. I can't stand the taste of Colgate and bacon. It's disgusting. I jogged downstairs to eat. Afterwards, I brushed my teeth and then headed to Aaliyah's. This is gonna be a long day for real.

Aaliyah POV
I sat on my porch waiting for this boy. About 20 minutes later, he pulled up. He sat in the car like I was gonna walk to the car myself. "What you doing?!" He yelled rolling down the window. "You're 10 minutes late. Why you think Imma get up?" I snapped. He sighed and got out the car. He walked up to me and we hugged. I stared at him. "Are you ready?" He huffed. "Yeah." I said. He walked me to the car. I got in a watched him walk around the front of the car. He got in the car and buckled his seat belt. "Where we going?" I asked playing with his collar. "Wherever you wanna go." He said. "Well, you shoulda had something planned out." I said. "Well, this was kinda a last minute thing." He said. "You should always have-" I began before he cut me off. "Where do you wanna go Aaliyah. You texted me asking to hang out so start naming places before I go back home." He snapped. I folded my hands across his chest and pouted. "You know what." He said putting the car in reverse. "We going to the movies." He said. "But I don't-" I started. "We're GOING, TO, THE MOVIES!" He yelled. I stared at him as we drove off. Why he so dramatic? I guess light skins are just like that.

I rolled over and Isaiah wasn't there. Sometimes I get the feeling he's cheating but I don't wanna assume anything. I sighed and sat up. "Ow!" I said after a quick pain ran through me. I felt my baby kick me and I laughed. About 10 minutes later, my baby kicked harder. "Aye man." I joked. About 30 minutes later, the sharp pain ran through me again. About 20 minutes later, the pain came again and my baby kicked even harder. "Hey. Stop it." I whined. About 10 minutes later, pain kept running through regularly, my baby kicking harder each time. "Vonté!" I yelled. Him and Nadia ran in and stared at me. "Don't just stand there, help me!" I cried. Nadia quickly grabbed my arm and Vonté dialed up Isaiah. "It's gonna be alright girl." Nadia said as she helped me down the stairs. I breathed in and out as the contractions kept coming. I started to cry and she quickly wiped away my tears. We finally got to the car and Quincy put down a towel in the seat. "You ain't messing up my seats. Shoot." He said. I rolled my eyes and got in the car. We drove to the hospital and I was too nervous to even think about anything.

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