107. Our Little Partners in Crime

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Thread was in her room alone, coloring like she always does. Barf Bag and Donut were at work, and the rest of the adults, with Dimey too, were cleaning up the kitchen.

Bladey was also upstairs herself, playing with some toys in her room, which she soon got bored of. Her little two year old mind was racing, thinking of other ways to entertain herself. She thought about coloring with Thread, but decided that she wanted to go find her own fun.

Her toddler instincts led her to the bathroom, a place with many draws just waiting to be opened. Her little hands then proceed to open each draw, analyzing the contents within. She would see little containers of different makeup, boxes of cotton swabs and other bathroom necessities, and much more.

But there was one particular item that caught Bladey's attention. It was a container of colorful bath bombs, each with a different scent. Bladey didn't know what the bath booms we're, or what they did, but she knew she had to go get Thread so that they could investigate them together.

Bladey eagerly sprinted into Thread's room, excited to tell Thread about her new discovery.

"Thread?" She whispered to her older cousin.

"What?" Thread whispered back.

"I found something cool for us to play with, wanna see?" Bladey asked.

Thread shook her head, "I'm busy coloring, maybe latter."

Bladey was disappointed, "Come on, Thread! Please? It's really cool!"

Thread sighed and gave in, "Fine, but let's make it quick."

Thread wheeled herself right behind Bladey, the two of them making their way back into the bathroom. There, Bladey picked up the container of bath booms she found and showed them to Thread.

"Look at them!" Bladey exclaimed, continuing to shove the bath bombs in Thread's face, "Aren't they pretty?"

Thread nodded, happy that Bladey was kind enough to show her, "They are cool! Do you want to open them?"

Bladey nodded, "Yeah, let's do it!" The two girls opened the bath bombs, getting hit with giant waves of sent. Bladey picked one of the bath bombs up, feeling the dust of it get onto her hand.

"What are you supposed to do with those?" Thread asked.

Bladey tilted her head, "I don't know? They kinda feel like chalk, maybe we can draw with them?"

Thread nodded, propping herself out of her wheelchair and onto the floor, "Let's draw on the floor with these!"

The two girls each picked out a bath bomb and got to work, scraping the bath bombs onto the flor, leaving trails of dust behind!"

"This is so cool!" Bladey exclaimed.

Thread nodded her head in agreement, "This is way better then coloring in my coloring books! Thank you for showing me these Bladey!"

Bladey smiled, "Why wouldn't I!"

The two girls started laughing away, making one design after another with the bath bombs, there creations decorating the floor.

It wasn't long before the adults started hearing the giggles of the two girls from downstairs. If there was one thing they knew about giggling toddlers, it was that they were almost always up to no good. The adults all started glancing at each other, knowing that one of them would have to venture upstairs and check on the kids.

"DIBS ON NOT GOING UP STAIRS!" Saw called out.

"DIBS NOT!" Everyone screamed at once. All eyes soon glanced on Gaty, who was seemingly the last person to call dibs.

"Have fun, Gaty," Coiny teased.

Gaty made her way up the stairs and followed the voices of the two girls. That eventually led her to the bathroom, which she instantly knew was a red flag.

"Bladey! Thread!" Gaty shouted, as she started making her way into the bathroom. The two girls started to panic, knowing they were doing something they shouldn't.

"Uh oh!" Bladey whispered, "My mommy sounds angry!"

Before the two girls could do anything about it, Gaty stomped into the bathroom. She was in horror when she saw trails of bath bomb dust laid out on the floor, the culprits right in front of her eyes.

Gaty put on her stern preschool teacher voice, "What did you girls do?"

Thread showed Gaty the bath bomb, "Bladey gave me these, Auntie Gaty?"

Gaty grabbed the bath bomb, and shook her head, "These were not for you two to play with!"

The two girls looked down at the floor, guilty looks spread across their faces. "We're sorry mommy," Bladey said, "I just wanted to play with Thread, and these looked like much more fun than my other toys."

Gaty sighed, her expression softening as she knelt down to their level. "I understand you wanted to have fun, but you need to ask permission before playing with things that aren't toys, okay?"

Both girls nodded, still looking remorseful.

"Okay," Gaty continued, "Let's clean this up together, and then I'll find something else fun for you to do that's safe."

Bladey and Thread perked up at the promise of more fun and eagerly helped Gaty clean up the colorful dust on the floor. With teamwork, they managed to tidy up the mess quickly.

Once the bathroom was back to its original state, Gaty smiled at them. "How about we go to Thread's room and find some fun things to color together? Does that sound fun to you girls?"

The two of them nodded, not wanting to get in trouble like that again. "Okay Auntie Gaty," Thread said, "Let's do it!"

"Great," Gaty said, relieved that the girls had learned their lesson. She stood up and led the way back to Thread's room, where the coloring books and crayons were waiting.

As they settled into their coloring session, Gaty stayed close by, helping them with their drawings and making sure they stayed out of trouble. The girls happily colored, their earlier mischief forgotten as they created colorful masterpieces together.

After a while, the rest of the adults joined them upstairs, curious about the sudden quiet. They found Gaty, Thread, and Bladey immersed in their artwork, the bathroom incident already a distant memory.

Barf Bag and Donut returned from work just in time to see the final products of the coloring session. "Wow, look at all these beautiful pictures!" Barf Bag exclaimed.

Bladey beamed with pride. "Thread and I made these together!"

Donut placed a hand on Thread's head. "You girls did a fantastic job. But remember, no more playing with things that aren't toys without asking, okay?"

Both girls nodded, eager to show off their coloring skills instead.

As the evening drew to a close, the family gathered around to admire the girls' artwork. It had been a day of mischief and creativity, but most importantly, it had been a day of learning and bonding.


I thought this was quite a silly chapter! I haven't had many chapters with the kiddos interacting since they we're a bit young, but there will only be more interactions with all the children in future chapters!

Also, TPOT 12 IS COMING ON YOUTUBE TONIGHT IN LESS THAN 3.5 HOURS RAAAAHHHHHH! I already saw it at the meetup, but I'm excited for the rest of you all (who managed to dodge the leaks) to see it as well! I have quite a bit I want to say on it, I might even post another chapter to vent about the episode since it's been two weeks and I haven't gotten to share my thoughts on it to many people!

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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