Chapter 22: Acceptance

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~7 years ago, not on Berk... (Which makes Daniel 14 years old, Tyra 16 years old)~

"I'll be back soon, Ty, I'm just going to get us some food." I reassured my sister, pulling the hood of my grey cloak over my head.

She sighed. "Okay...just be back quickly, it's nearly sundown." The wind whipped at her long blonde curls. I smiled and nodded, turning to walk away. "Danny," She grabbed my shoulder, and I turned back around to face her. "Be careful." A small, worried smile tugged at her lips.

"I will." I took her hand in mine and squeezed it I smiled back. I released her hand and turned toward the village. My footsteps crunched the dry leaves as I entered the market.

The road was crowded with hungry villagers in tattered clothing. There were booths on either side of the road, each surrounded by needy vikings. 

I spotted a booth where a man was making fresh bread. I licked my lips as the smell wafted past my nose. The fresh bread was being displayed in baskets set on the booths table. I looked around wondering why there were barely any people around this booth. The market was so crowded, yet only one young woman was purchasing bread.

"Ten runes?!" The woman whimpered. "But sir, I only have four!"

That's why no one was buying bread... I realized. That price was outrageous for the poor village. Nearly no one had that much money to spend: especially not to feed their families.

"No bread." The man stated harshly. I frowned at the behavior. The woman left with tear-filled eyes.

I turned to examine the other booths, my stomach churning with hunger. I forced myself to ignore the sensation a little longer.

I stopped at a booth with an elderly woman who was making jewelry. Necklaces and rings were delicately displayed on little pillows of satin inside an open black, velveted box. There were gold and silver rings with jewels in a range of colors, along with crowns made of flowers and leaves.

 My eye caught a necklace on a brass chain. It had a a red jewel on the end, along with three charms of two star and a crescent moon. I brushed my finger over the smooth stone. 

I started to pick it up, but I paused and glanced at the elderly woman. "May I...?" She nodded, giving me permission to pick it up. I held it up against the light, and light filtered through the jewel, making red light dance and sparkle. "How much?" I asked the woman.

"Three runes." Her soft, fragile voice replied.

I frowned, reaching in my pocket and pulling out a black cloth pouch. I untied it and emptied the contents in my hand, revealing only three runes. I held them in my palm for a moment, unsure. That was the only money I had...

I reluctantly handed the woman the money and she handed me the satin box. I placed the necklace inside and closed it, gently tucking it into the pouch and burying it in my pocket. "Thank you." I smiled weakly.

I turned and began walking back the way I came, until I stopped as the smell of hot bread overcame me. I turned toward the booth, my stomach growling. I was so hungry... and Tyra would be too...

I casually walked to the booth and gazed at the delicious looking bread. The man had his back turned to me, fixing up more bread. I slowly reached my feeble hand out and snatched a loaf of bread, tucking it under my cloak. The bread was warm and soft. I reached up again and grabbed another and was about to turn away, when I heard the man cry, "THIEF!" 

I jumped at the outburst and turned to run, but was blocked by another large man. The bread-maker exited his booth and approached me, blocking me from running that direction. "P-Please..." I yelped. "It's for my sister...she's hungry."

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