While you were walking around Playcare, you felt as if someone or something was stalking you. The more when you went down into more of Playtime.Co factory, the more you felt yourself being stalked by these monsters. But someone wants you, they need...
A few hours later, it was nighttime. Everyone of the toys were asleep, and you were going to your office to get your purse and your keys. When you walked and put your grabpack down, you noticed that there was a bouquet of blue and black roses sitting on your desk.
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There was even a note on the desk. You read it.
Y/N: Hmm? What's this??... "Dear Y/N, very soon, you'll be my love. I love you more than anyone else in Playtime.Co Factory. Also, I hope you love the roses~ From, Your beloved FF."
You were confused about what FF meant. But you decide to accept the gift. You grab your purse, keys, and bouquet. You head to the exit of the lobby and go outside. You put the bouquet in the front seat so they won't be ruined. You then get in your car and turn the engine on.
Meanwhile, at Playcare... The Smiling Critters were asleep. KickenChicken was asleep, dreaming of surfboarding at a beach on a nice, hot summer day. Until something or someone woke him up...
💙Frowny Fox💙: Oh KickenChicken~ KickenChicken... Wake up~
KickenChicken starts to wake up.
💛KickenChicken💛: *groans* Huh?.... What?...
💙Frowny Fox💙: KickenChicken, come find me~
KickenChicken gets out of his bed and walks where the voice is.
💛KickenChicken💛: It sounds like it's coming from here...but who could've-
Suddenly, a hand covers his mouth from speaking, which shocks KickenChicken as he tries to speak or scream from help.
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💙Frowny Fox💙: Shhhh....You wouldn't want to wake the others....would you?...