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This song here is an original song that my best friend and sister wrote, @Mystic_Destiny. She has a YouTube channel called Midnight and she has a few songs on there that I would recommend listening to. This song is called Strange Embrace. Enjoy.

Shortly after last night, things between Pentious and Arackniss slowly started to get better. Pentious gave Arackniss more freedom to explore the mansion. Just as long as Arackniss didn't push himself. Arackniss seemed to like hanging out with Pentious. The snake demon even gifted Arackniss some crutches so he could get around better. To him, there was something about Pentious that made his heart skip a beat. It was the same with Pentious when he was with Arackniss. But both of them are too stubborn to even admit their feelings for each other.

One afternoon, Arackniss came out of his room for some fresh air. He decided to check up on Pentious who was down in his workshop, working on new inventions. When he arrived at Pentious workshop and then he went inside. He found Pentious at his desk, frantically working on new blueprints. He looked like he hadn't eaten all morning. So Arackniss slipped out of the workshop and went to the kitchen. He still remembers old recipes that his mother showed him when he was little; before the abuse started.

Even with two of his arms in bandages, he wasn't going to let Pentious starve himself. Arackniss made a small plate of pasta and meatballs for Pentious. He then asked one of the Egg Boiz to give the plate to Pentious since he couldn't use his crutches and carry the plate at the same time.

The Egg Boi put the plate in from of Pentious and his mouth started watering. He thought one of the Egg Boiz had cooked it but when he tasted it; he thought he had gone to heaven. "Enjoying the pasta?" A voice rang out.

Pentious turned to see Arackniss standing by the door. "You made this?" Pentious asked.

Arackniss walked over to Pentious, "I used to cook for my siblings when my Pops worked long hours. Honestly, I wasn't sure if I still remembered the recipes."

Pentious thanked Arackniss for the wonderful meal. Arackniss even offered to help him out so he wasn't so stressed out. Pentious was a little surprised that Arackniss wanted to help him; his last boyfriend was always too busy to help him. So Pentious accepted Arackniss's offer to help him.

The two of them spent the day together in the workshop. Every time they would reach for the same tool, their hands touched and they both quickly looked away from each other. Another moment was when Arackniss was standing on a step stool fixing one of the guns on the ship. He started to lose his balance and started to fall off the step stool. He would have hit the floor but Pentious swooped in and caught him by the waist. For a moment, it was like the world had slowed down around them as they stared at each other's easy like a scene from a romantic movie.

That is until Pentious snapped out of it and helped Arackniss to his feet. The two blushed hard then continued working. Slowly, Arackniss started opening up to Pentious about his life in the mob, the abuse he put up with, and even a little bit about his family. Pentious felt empathic towards Arackniss but he didn't see the ruthless mobster Arackniss claimed to be. He just saw someone who thought he was unlovable. He then cupped Arackniss's face gently and told him that he always had a place here.

The butterflies in both of their stomachs were fluttering at lightning speed. Their faces are just inches away. For a second, Pentious thought about kissing Arackniss but he pulled away at the last minute. Monty's betrayal still stung him to the core which made him so paranoid and thinking that he would just fall for someone like Monty again.

After they were done for the day, Arackniss went up to his room to get some rest. But the events of today replayed in his head. The little hidden romantic moments that he had with Pentious made his heart flip and his face turned red. But he quickly shook his head, trying to get the moment to stop. He refused to accept that he had a crush on Sir Pentious.

Pentious wasn't any better; he was in the kitchen making a pot of tea and remembered all the moments that had happened. He snapped out of it when he heard the tea kettle whistle. "Come on Pentious. What's the matter with you?" Pentious muttered to himself, "You think you would have learned."

With that, a soft, melancholic melody with hints of industrial undertones played in his head as he slithered around the kitchen.


I built a world of steel and spite

A fortress where shadows hide

A venomous heart, a serpent's soul

A twisted path, where demons prowl

But then he envisioned Arackniss standing in front of him, smiling at him.

Yet in this darkness, a flicker gleams

A warmth that contradicts my wicked schemes

Pentious reached out toward Arackniss but he vanished. He clutched his heart tight.

I won't say I'm captivated

By a creature of arachnid fate

I won't say my heart is activated

By a being so full of hate

But in the depths of this infernal place

A connection grows, a strange embrace

Meanwhile, Arackniss looked out the window of the airship, viewing the city below.


Spun from shadows, a venomous queen

A heart of ice, a cruel machine

I weave my webs, a deadly art

A world of darkness, a poisoned heart

He then looked away from the window and pictured Pentious standing in front of him with that goofy smile and kind eyes.

But in your eyes, a strange light burns

A flicker of hope, a lesson learned

He snapped out of the fantasy but a part of him had fallen for Pentious.

I won't say I'm captivated

By a serpent of mechanical hate

I won't say my heart is activated

By a being so full of deceit

But in the depths of this infernal place

A connection grows, a strange embrace

Even with the two of them in separate rooms, their voices harmonized together.


We're creatures of the night, it's true

Our paths entwined, a twisted view

Yet in this hellish, chaotic scene

A fragile hope begins to gleam

At that moment, it was just Pentious staring at his tea. But for the longest time, someone had broken down the walls surrounding his heart. Pentious had fallen in love.


I won't say I'm captivated

By a creature of arachnid fate

I won't say my heart is activated

By a being so full of hate

But in the depths of this infernal place

A connection grows, a strange embrace

The melody fades out with echoes of their voices. 

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