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The store is almost empty this time of day. Everyone is headed home or already there. Only a few lingering girls remain as they peruse shelves and look at thinks I know they will never buy. At six I sigh and start closing. Usually, they leave once I start sweeping and wiping down the windows. Once they're all gone and I'm done with all my closing chores I sit at the stool behind the desk. Harumi says even if the store is empty close to close, I have to remain until seven.

The small feather around my neck darks out from under my shirt pulling against the chain and towards the doors of the shop. I snag it quickly and roll my eyes.

"Stop it would you?" I ask Hawks through his feather. Ever since I was attacked, he demanded to keep at least one with me so he can find me faster. However, this also means he now has a way of constantly annoying me all day every day. The small feather would brush against my cheek or follow me if I took it off. I think I even noticed it playing with my cat once.

Dabi hasn't been much better either. He stops by at least once or twice a day now to just say hi along with calling me while I walk home. At first, they both demanded I go to Dabi's every night and Hawks would feed my cat and bring me clothes, but I can't live my life in fear that my attacker might come back. Let alone leave my apartment in fear.

The front door chimes open and Hawks pops in.

"Good afternoon, dove," he says, and I nod.

"Hello Hawks. Whatever do I owe the pleasure?"

"I'm glad you think spending time with me is a pleasure," Hawks says with a smirk as he leans on the counter.

"What do you want, Bird boy?"

"You coming over for dinner tonight?" He asks and I nod. Whenever Dabi has off work Shoto Hawks and I all meet at their apartment for dinner and a movie.

"Always," I mumble

"What time do you get off?"

"Like," I check the time on my phone, "18 minutes."

"Cool, I will wait here with you then."

Hawks moves around the counter claiming the empty stool for himself.

"Are you here to escort me to Dabi's?" I ask with a bite.

"Yes, but not because of what happened," Hawks pauses. His brow furrowed and he looks deep in thought, "Look, Kana, we were just worried about you is all. I know we kinda went overboard but that was scary. I... I don't want anything bad to happen to you. You're keeping the feather, but I'll lay off."

"I know. It was scary but I'm okay and I trust you to be there when I need you, Hero," I bump his knee with mine and he gives me a charming smile that would definitely have his fans swooning.

"I'll talk with Dabi about it. He's probably not too keen on letting up. He cares about you a lot."

"I know. I care about him too. Both of you. I just need to try to get my life back to normal. I can't live in fear."

"Don't worry dove. You won't have to."

"Yeah, and if something happens, I have your feather," I pick up the red feather running my fingers across the spine slowly before circling my thumb against the bright red vane tip, "you can just get it nice and hard for me. And then boom I have a knife."

Hawks shivers as I play with the small feather, eyes heavy and dark. I squeeze the feather before dropping it back down into my breasts and he shuts his eyes with a small noise escaping his throat. I pretend not to notice as I stand and move around him to start locking up. I'd be lying if I said I don't do that to annoy him. A girls got to get her payback somehow.

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I grab my purse and turn to him, "ready?" Hawks nods, hands stuffed into his pockets as he follows me out of the store. We're silent as we make the walk to Dabi's apartment. Even though he's technically off the clock I can tell Hawks is still working. A few feathers dart around us disappearing down alleys and through streets. I know better than to tell him to lay off work. Hawks loves his job even if it's hard on him.

When we arrive at Dabi and Shoto's apartment, Shoto is watching TV head resting on the kotatsu table and Dabi is in the kitchen.

"Honey we're home," I jokingly shout as Hawks and I both kick off our shoes. Dabi peeks his head out of the kitchen with an annoyed look on his face. Hawks scoots under the kotatsu table with Shoto, eyes already glued to the television, and I head into the kitchen after telling Shoto hello.

Dabi stands in front of a boiling pot watching it simmer. He turns when I enter, and I fall into his arms with a sigh. He wraps one arm around me as he stirs the pot. I hum as his body heat chases the cold of winter away.

"How was work?" He asks.

"Same old. Actually, business had been picking up since Hawks keeps showing up," I roll my eyes. I like when he stops by, but fans have started lingering in the store hoping to catch a glimpse of the hero.

"Tell him to fuck off next time he comes in," Dabi laughs to himself.

"If I do my boss yells at me! She's like a die-hard fan girl. It's ridiculous."

I pull away from Dabi, he frowns softly as I hop up onto the counter.

"Warm now?" He asks and I nod.

"Yes sir. Nice and toasty."

He busies himself pouring noodles into a bowl before chilling a small cup of broth for Shoto. He finishes the rest of the bowls handing one to me and calling Hawks and Shoto to come get theirs. Then we all pile into the living room.

"This is good, thank you Dabi," I hum in between bites. He nods eyes never leaving the TV, "next week you should let me, and Hawks cook."

"Oh yeah!" Hawks shouts, "that would be fun. Kana and I can totally make something good."

"Not in my kitchen you're not," Dabi says.

"We'll go to my house then," I shrug.

"Is that okay Sho?" Dabi asks Shoto who slurps on his noodles before speaking.

"Yeah, that's fine. You have a cat, right?"

"I do, he's really cute and he loves to play."

"I'm down," Shoto says as he turns to his brother. Dabi shakes his head and shrugs.

"It's settled then. Hope you're making something good Sweetheart."

"Please my cooking is always good," I say rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, but you have Hawks helping you. Birdie can't cook for shit."

"Hey!" Hawks shouts with a pout.

"I'm sure we'll make it work, right pretty bird?"

Hawks eyes fall on mine and his face softens, "right, dove."

After dinner is the movie. It's Shoto's turn to pick. I stand, plopping on the couch next to Dabi who only raises a brow as he watches me. I smile at him sweetly ad I toss my legs on his lap. He shakes his head, but I catch his smile. Dabi pulls my legs closer to him, his warm hands gliding up my skin. For once I'm happy my tights were dirty, and I didn't get to wear them. Eventually the sofa dips behind me and I peek up at Hawks.

Red Feathers and Blue Infernos | Dabi x Hawks x reader/OCWhere stories live. Discover now