In the past few weeks Andrea and I have found the perfect beach house in Malibu. We basically have packed up half of our apartment. We are moving in today and all I have left to do is go grab us some lunch then meet Andrea at our place.
I grabbed my army green jacket off the couch as well with my purse and looked around. I said one last goodbye to my room and walked out the door.I got into my sparkling white range rover and drove to chipolata . It was raining so hard outside I didn't to get out of my car. I put my jacket on and grabbed my bag. I ran into chipolata. I got in line and my purse slipped out of my hand right onto someones feet whall everything spilled out in front of them.They turned around and I was stunned with a smile.
"Kian! I haven't seen you in forever",I shouted in pure happiness whall attacking him with hugs.
"I've missed you Danny", Kian said as he took off his baseball hat. I automatically noticed his black eye.
"Oh my god what happened?"
"Your boyfriend,have you talked to him recently",said Kian in a depressing voice.
"Hes been ignoring me ever since I didn't want to move in with him",I said whall I looked at the floor.
Kian rolled his eyes and picked everything up and put it back in my purse. He handed it to me.
"Will you have lunch with me and just talk?",asked Kian.
I nodded and texted Andrea I will take longer then expected. Kian and I got our lunch and sat in a booth together.
"So whats been going on in your life?",I asked Kian.
"You first",said Kian with his big smile.
"Well Andrea and I just bought a beach house in Malibu together and were getting a puppy. After we settle in were planning on having a huge house party then getting a boat. Then I got offered at the local dance academy to be a ballet instructor because I did ballet all highschool and I kinda miss it. I know that that exciting",I explained.
"That's awesome! I wish my life was that cool or event full. All I've been doing is making videos and traveling",said Kian.
"I know this is off topic but hows Sam",I asked Kian in a small tone. Kian looked at his shoes. I could see the hurt in his eyes.
"There's something wrong. He isn't Sam anymore he's changed",said Kian in a whisper.
"What do you mean?"
"It started two weeks ago.A week after he started ignoring you. He wasn't answering my phone calls and Jc told me he was at this big blow out party,really drunk",said Kian.
"Sam doesn't get drunk",I said in a stern voice.
"That's what I said. Me being worried about him I went and found him. He was high on drugs,he didn't know what was going on. He started screaming at me for being worried about him and how he can be dependent for himself. So all I said was "then why are you ignoring Danica are you dependent you don't need her anymore or are you just running away from your problems" and he attacked me. Three guys had to pull us off eachother",tears fell from his eyes.
"Is he cheating on me?"
Kian nodded. I grabbed the bag of food for Andrea and I slinged my bag over my shoulder.
"Danny don't go",said Kian.
"I'm sorry I cant"
I stormed out of that place so fast. I sat in the drivers seat of my car,just crying so hard. I pulled my phone out of my bag and dialed Sam's number whall my hand shook. It rung till the very end and there was an answer. I just let him listen to me crying.
"Danny",I heard Sam said. I ended the call and threw my phone at the ground. I looked up and saw Kian leaning against the wall of the chipolata. I started my car and pulled out angrily. I drove to the Malibu house. I walked in the front door and into the living room wear the furniture was already set up.I sat down on the grey sectional couch and started crying again. Nothing was even coming out of my mouth. Silent hurt.

FanfictionDanica is a sweet ,innocent girl.She got good grades,got into the college her parents wanted. But what happens when she cant take the innocent life anymore. Does that mean her leaving Florida for a new life. Danica moves away to the Golden State to...