Chapter 39. Done deal

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Aria POV
We arrived to Canada last night around eleven at night. We had to bring Melinda along with us while everyone else stayed except for Spencer, Nova and their daughters.

We stayed in a beautiful hotel it was huge and had an amazing view from the balcony top. I looked over my shoulder at Caleb as I stood by the balcony railing.

"D-daddy." I called for him as he smoked his cigarette and looked down at his phone. He looked up from his phone at me while blowing out the smoke from his nose slowly.

"Yes princess." He answered me. "W-why d-don't w-we m-move t-to C-Canada j-just y-you a-and m-me w-with t-the O-Octuplets?" I asked him.

I walked over to him straddling his lap and grabbing his phone from his hand to stop him from being distracted. I wanted his full attention and all of it to myself.

"You wanna move to Canada?" He asked me surprised. "Y-yeah I-it's b-beautiful h-here." I explained to him. "I'll think about it princess but we can't right now." He explained to me.

"W-why?" I asked him pouting sadly at his response. "Because a lot is going on right now princess." He explained. "F-fine." I agreed reluctantly knowing he was right.

"C-can I g-get a p-puff?" I asked him pointing to his cigarette. He laughed at the way I asked him if I could smoke his cigarette making me smile softly. "Only one and that's it." He told me strictly.

I smiled happily as he carefully placed the cigar in my mouth allowing me to take a puff of it. He pulled it out of my mouth smashing his lips against mine as I blew out the smoke from my mouth straight into his.

I blushed softly as he pulled away from my lips slowly kissing me once more delicately. "Don't ask me again." He told me strictly. "M-meanie." I pouted angrily.

He kissed my forehead gently. "I have to go now." He whispered above my head as he kissed me once more. I hugged him tightly whimpering in protest.

"N-no d-daddy I d-don't w-want y-you t-to l-leave." I complained. "I have to go princess I won't be long you know that." He explained to me which was true but he's been gone all morning and he just came back ten minutes ago.

"W-what d-do t-they n-need n-now?" I asked him in an annoyed tone. "I have to sign some papers." He answered. "A-are y-you g-gonna b-be f-fast?" I asked him.

"Yeah I shouldn't be there more than five minutes they're gonna meet me downstairs in the lobby." He explained to me. "O-okay." I complied annoyed as tears filled my eyes.

I hated when he left me. I was a bit dramatic when it came to him leaving me but I didn't care I simply wanted to be around him every second of my day.

"Don't cry princess." He kissed my forehead gently laying my head against his chest. "I'm gonna be back before you know it princess." He comforted me.

"I h-hate w-when y-you l-leave d-daddy." I cried to him. "I know princess but I'm just going downstairs to the lobby for five minutes." He reasoned with me.

"Be a good girl for me princess and wait in the room for me I promise I won't take long." He assured me. "O-okay I-I'll b-be g-good d-daddy." I agreed earning a small kiss on my lips from him.

"I love it when you're a good girl for me and always so obedient for daddy." He praised me making me smile softly. He picked me up carrying me inside our hotel room, laying me down on the bed carefully.

"I'll be back fast princess." He assured me kissing my forehead softly. "I love you d-daddy." I kissed him on his lips gently. "I love you more princess." He whispered against my lips kissing me once more.

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