Chapter 38

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Tara stopped and thought for a moment before finally giving her answer, "V, I'd love to but I can't." She finally said. I sighed knowing that she was most likely going to say no, which I understood completely but it still sucked. "Are you sure? We would love to have you, plus Rosie and Jacob would have a buddy. Granted I know he's younger than her but ya know.."

Tara gave a half smile and shook her head. "Nessa, I'll keep in touch and we can plan visits, I'm just not cut out to live in Cali anymore. After I broke things off with Jake I actually moved back to Maryland and it's been amazing." Tara meant every word she said and I could tell by the smile on her face when she mentioned Maryland. I was happy for her, she was happy and Jake's legacy would continue on through Rosie, even though she'd never get to meet her father.

I knew Tara would tell her all about him, and if she ever wanted to know more about him I'd be more than happy to share stories. Not long after Tara left everyone started getting changed into regular clothes, the girls helped me get out of my dress and I put on a black sleeveless top and a pair of ripped blue jeans.  I went back to where everyone else was and we all decided to just hangout for a while before everyone had to leave. The people who were left of the trap house decided that we should head home so that's exactly what we did. As we were all in the living room, we had a blast.

Har went next door to stay with Hunter and Kayla was staying in a hotel near by and she offered to take Jacob for the night, which that took at lot of convincing because I wasn't ready to let him go anywhere without me yet. Colby had finally stepped in and helped convince me that he would be okay for one night. So, since we didn't have a baby tonight we decided to have a little kick back just for those of us living there. I had a little more than I should have before anyone else got plastered. Jazzy noticed this and shook her head wishing everyone luck as she walked upstairs to Sam's room and went to bed. Sam followed her not to much later, leaving Me with Colby, Corey, Aaron, and Elton which I wasn't sure if that was a good idea or not.

Corey and Elton got drunker than I did and started yelling at each other after Aaron went to bed. "You know what, fuck you Elton. I regret being your friend at all." Is all I heard from Corey before seeing him swing on Elton. As they began to fist fight it out I remember trying to get them to stop.

That's when I got decked in the face and everyone stopped as I sat up holding my nose. "Oh shit, Nessa, are you okay?? I'm so sorry!" Before I could respond to Elton I saw Colby tackle him to the ground and begin to beat the shit out of him. I watched as one punch led to another until Elton was unconscious, but Colby didn't stop. "Babe! He's unconscious! Stop!" When he heard my voice he stopped to look at me then to Elton.

He said nothing and got up walking over to me to look at my nose to see if it was broken. I could tell it was but I didn't want Colby to kill Elton. Corey went to check to see if he still had a pulse and much to our luck his pulse was strong. Colby took me to the bathroom connected to my room and began to clean it up. "I'm sorry.." Was all he muttered out while gently wiping the blood from my nose.

I remember helping Colby clean his knuckles since they were all kinds of bloody. After that I fell asleep on the bathroom sink. I felt a pair of arms around me and I could tell someone was carrying me. This brought me back to when I was young and I'd pass out on the couch with Jilli only for my dad or one of my brothers to carry us back to our beds. I could tell that someone had laid me on Colby's bed and they left the room and that's the last thing I remember.

When I woke up the next morning I was alone in Colby's room. I looking around the room to see if maybe I had just missed him somewhere but the only thing I saw was a glass of water and two advil on the nightstand. I drank some of the water taking the pills and drank the rest of the water. When I stood up I realized that I was wearing one of Colby's hoodies and nothing underneath. I shook it off because I had assumed it was Colby and you couldn't tell I don't have anything else on.

I went ahead and put on a pair of his joggers as well before going downstairs to see Colby talking to a police officer. I instantly ran over to them putting my hands on his back sliding them around his waist. "What's goin on?" It was a simple question since I had just woken up. Next thing I know the officer pushed me away gently before putting Colby in cuffs and walking him outside to the car with zero explanation.

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