Chapter three:

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Joey's P.O.V:

The sun peeked through his bedroom window. He finally got a good nights rest since 3 months ago. Sitting up in his bed, Joey rubs his eyes and sighs. He wasn't ready to face everyone. He checked the time and groaned. He pulled out some random dark blue t-shirt and put on some jeans . As he walks out of his bedroom, he sees Chandler watching Tv."Oh! Uhh, give me like 5 minutes and we can go steal breakfast from Monica's." Joey says quickly he head sides the restroom. He can't believe what he saw last night and if it wasn't for the fact that Joey was basically sober last night, he definitely would've thought that it was all a dream or he was just severely drunk. As Joey washes his face, he keeps thinking about how hot Chandler looked that night. He flushes and try's to get that thought out of his head or at the least cool his face down. He takes a deep breath and leaves the restroom. Joey grabs his leather jacket and walks into the living room. "Finally, what the heck were you doing in there? You said to give you five minutes and then you and take a basically a hour!  I'm so hungry dude..." Chandler groans as he unlocks the front door and holds it open for Joey. Joey grins and waits for Chandler to finish locking the door."Come on! You know that I gotta look good for the ladies. You should go out with someone Chan, I know it was rough when you and Monica broke up 7 months ago..But you gotta put yourself out there!" Joey says to Chandler sincerely while waiting for someone to open them. Joey hated seeing his friend lonely. He may have a small crush on him but that won't stop him from encouraging his best friend to start dating again. "Joey you don't get it, I've accepted the fact that I'm most likely gonna be single for the rest of my life. I mean it's not the worst thing, I'll at least always have you to hang out with... Who knows, maybe one day you might actually start paying rent!" Chandler chuckles out as Phoebe opens the door and he heads to the fridge to help himself to a cup of orange juice. "Come on Chan, you honestly can't believe that right? Let's talk about this later at the coffee shop. Anyways... I have great news everyone!" Joey exclaims as he takes a seat at the dinner table. Phoebe gasps and also sits down at the table while Chandler leans against the counter, smiling as he drinks his juice. "I got a side character role in the new movie *insert movie from 2002* that's filming in Connecticut!" Joey says while grinning ear to ear. Monica and Phoebe congratulate him as Chandler opens the door for Ross and Rachel.  Everyone eventually go their separate way. Joey and Chandler go back to their apartment since they don't have any thing to do. "Ughhh...what do you wan to do today? Im not really in the mood to rehearse my lines right now..." Joey groaned out, dropping his body in his recliner. Chandler shrugged and turned the Tv on. He sighed as he sat back in his chair, flicking through the channels. "Oh,  I just remembered I was supposed to talk to you about getting back into dating. Look, I don't like that you think that lowly of yourself... Your handsome and you can get any girl you want if you just put your mind to it! I know you may not think this but i do and once again, I hate seeing you look so lonely..." Joey said calmly, he was trying his best to try and convince Chandler to open his head back up to dating. Chandler sigh and turns to face Joey. "I- thanks for the effort but im just not made for dating... I've even asked my Dad about it." Joey looks back at him as he lays his face against his right hand. "And I can bet you he said the exact same thing I did,  didn't he?" Chandler grins and nods his head slightly.
-Play The Song-
"See! Even your dad agrees with me. Okay, how about we go to the club tonight? Theres a new club I've been meaning to go that open a few blocks away from us." Joey says excitedly while Chandler try's to protest. "Joe... Ugh, you know I don't go to clubs often... this is gonna be so awkward... I don't even have anything to wear!!" Chandler groans as Joey drags them both into Chandlers room.
Chandler sits down on his bed while Joey looks for something for Chandler to wear out. He throws a black and white striped button up, a black T-shirt, and a some Dark blue Jeans. "Put this on. Fix your hair too while you're at it. I'm gonna just fix my hair up and then we can go." Joey tells Chandler with a smirk on his face. Joey heads to his room and brushes his hair before siting down in the living room waiting for Chandler. He was hoping that going to the club might help Chandler at least open his mind up to doing one night stands at the least and hopefully help Joey get rid of these weird feelings for Chandler...He needed to get those thoughts out of his head fast. Joey hears a door open and Chandler walks out of his room with his hands in his pockets. Joey once again had to bite his hand to keep from saying or doing something he would regret... "How does it look? I haven't worn this button up since forever..." Chandler says slightly nervously. Joey gulps and grins. "Damnn! You really good dude! The girls will be Allll over this! Do you wanna eat really quickly before we go, we can get a sub on the way to the club?" Joey asks as he unlocks the front door and walks out, Chandler following after and locking the door behind him. The two walk down their apartment stairs in a comfortable silence. Joey was trying to restrain himself from looking back and staring at Chandler. If he wasn't sure he was attracted to Chandler before he definitely sure now. They exit the building and they head to *Insert Local Sandwich Store* and eat their sandwiches on the way. Joey was barely able pay attention to where the club was, trying not to let the condiments drip on his shirt as they walk. "So, Joey are you ready for your new gig? I'm really surprised you got such a big role... I mean, Side characters are a big step for you heh."Chandler asks, crumbling up his sandwich paper. Joey nods and finishes his food. "Yeah, I mean it's not well known and it might not even be really good... But it's gonna be paying me pretty good money. Im not gonna give any spoilers because I want all of you to watch it with me when we finish production. Oh, We're hereee! You better be ready to dance!" Joey exclaims and literally drag Chandler inside.

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