This is the band

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Jinxx's P.O.V.
"Hey guys" I said walking into the living room where my band Black Veil Brides was.

"What's up dude" CC said while playing Call of Duty with Jake

"Um can I ask you guys a question?" I asked nervously while scratching the back of my head.

"Yeah anything man" Andy said while turning off the TV causing CC to through the controller at him "WOW asshole " Andy said rubbing his head.

"Um so I haven't told you guys this but I have a little sister and today she turns 18 and well I was wondering if she could come live with us?" I asked quickly not sure of their answer.

"Wait she's 18? Is she hot?" Ashley asked. I swear to fucking god if he tries anything with her I will beat the shit out of him.

"Shut up Ashley" I growled at him

"Of course she can " Jake said changing the subject before I ripped off Ashley's head. He can always tell when I'm pissed.

"Thanks man wanna come with me to pick her up?" I asked him not wanting to go alone. Our mom was pissed when I first left, so mad she through a chair at me.

"Yeah" Jake said standing up and grabbing his keys and jacket.

"You guys go clean out the spare room for her" I said before walking out the door to see my little sister again for the first time in 3 years.

Andy's P.O.V.
Once Jinxx and Jake left we walked up stairs to the bedroom that we had all our cases in and started to clean if out for the new girl.

I was blown away how Jinxx didn't tell us he had a sister, we're they close? I was snapped out of my thoughts from a girl laughing down stairs. She's here.

I walked down the stairs to find her sitting on the couch. "Hi " I said getting her attention. She sat there and stared at me for a minute then spoke. She has blonde hair that goes down to her ribs. She has big green\blue eyes and she's skinny like really skinny.

"H-h-hi" She said shaking as Jinxx walked in and ran to her shaking her out of it.

"Hi I'm Andy Biersack " I said walking up to her and sitting next to her on the couch.

"Haha I know who you are" she giggled and it was adorable.

"Oh do you listen to the band?" I asked

"I just started to" she said calming down, damn she was hot. I can't ever date her though Jinxx would kill me.

"Hey Andy go change were going swimming for her birthday" Jinxx yelled from the kitchen

"Happy birthday beautiful" I said then walked to my room to go change. I hope I didnt scare her by calling her beautiful. She probably thinks I'm some kind of perv thats 2 years older than her. I got done changing and I walked down stairs and Jinxx was introducing everyone.

"So thats Ashely and you stay away from him" Jinxx said as Ashley smirked from across the room" Thats CC he's cool just don't bother him when he's sleeping he sleeps naked" He said as CC got bright red  "And you know Jake and Andy" he said and she looked at me and blushed. This is going to be very difficult not falling in love with her.

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