Cuddli-ning - Kevin x Tom. (Part 1)

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Night had blanketed the sky from outside—specks of white flickering stars plastered across the pool of endless void. The circular moon shone down from on high—its glow slowly embracing every surface it could find its way on. The dark green grass, the few vehicles that were out at night driving along the road, and the houses that lay peacefully in silence.

It was currently close to midnight, on a Saturday as well. So tomorrow would still be fairly relaxing for many in the town. Yet in a particularly large mustard yellow house with a white roof—and two different cars parked on the driveway, there were two people inside—sitting within a bedroom. Tom, and Kevin.

The two had been hanging out since about a few hours ago (Kevin had gotten off work, and promised he'd hang with Tom after he got off—so here he was). And as of now, Tom was rather eagerly rocking back and forth on the bed for.. some reason, a smile plastered on her lips. Kevin sat motionless beside her, his eyes near the edge of closing just from sheer exhaustion. It was getting late. In fact, it was past the usual time he slept.

Looking over to his curly-haired friend with the slight glow of the moon from outside mingling onto her black scalp, he felt his lips twitch into a frown. She continued to rock back and forth—staring at the TV that had currently been on, and playing some random Disney film they had both decided on watching since she for whatever reason loved these sorts of films.

Finally, he spoke, "..ugh.. Tom. I'm tired."

She slowed her pace a little, arching a brow. Despite it literally being close to midnight, her overly loud voice practically yelled out, "..TIRED? HOW COME? WE'VE BARELY JUST STARTED THIS MOVIE!"

Kevin blinked. "Tom. It's been thirty minutes since we started watching it. I think that's more than enough time for me to get tired.."

He groaned, looking down at his phone. He tapped his thumb against the screen, and it switched on. The time read 11:03 AM.


He grumbled, lifting his head. " come you're still wanting to watch this anyway? It's getting kinda late, y'know."


Kevin gave a roll of his eyes, looking down at his lap. It was late, and he'd probably have to go by now. He had work tomorrow—even if it was only for a few hours, and even though there had been a recently hired co-worker who'd take over as soon as he got done with his shift anyway.

Yet.. there was an odd part of him that almost didn't want to leave, as he heard the late crickets chirp from outside, and heard the faint sound of a female voice talking from the film. Letting his eyes look up, he saw that Cinderella was still playing, though his gaze quickly lingered over to Tom's eyes.

Her black eyes sparkled like embers—her lashes practically fluttering anytime she blinked. That same childish smile was still om her lips. And as always while he looked upon it, it gave him a weird feeling inside.

..maybe it wasn't the house that he didn't want to leave.

He looked off to the side, and then at her. "..hey, Tom?"

"HM? WHAT IS IT, SHOPKEEPER?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

He didn't know why he was asking this, but the question was stuck in his mind, and made his face flush with warmth as the words escaped his mouth. "Do you just want me to drive you over to my house? We can just hang out there, or something. And you can just sleep there if you want."

Bubblegum - (Short stories about an OC of mine and Kevin from Spooky Month)Where stories live. Discover now