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'It's hot as hell.'

I groaned as the scorching summer rays of August shined down on me. I was using my portable fan to blow my neck, hitting all my revealed upper spots in hopes it would relieve my body of its heated temperature. There were still boxes inside of the truck, but instead, I decided to lay on the side of it to take a little break from unpacking. To my surprise, the only thing bringing coolness to my back was the metal on the outside of the vehicle. As I lay there, my eyes roamed over the fixtures and people in my sight. It was college move-in day at my HBCU, and I could see all the students unpacking U-Hauls and packed cars with their supportive families. It was a nice sight to see, especially since my parents couldn't make it to my move-in day. Although I didn't mind too much, because I understood how important work was for them, I couldn't help but slightly envy those around me.

This place was already feeling like home, considering I could just feel the culture surrounding me. A speaker nearby was blasting 'It Was a Good Day' by Ice Cube, and it matched the atmosphere to a T. Girls and boys alike walked around with their Houston Texas State University merch on, pairing it with nice bottoms and fresh shoes. The number of different hairstyles, and creative accessories I had seen in the short amount of time I had been here, I felt very at home. As I took in my surroundings, I heard an exasperated sigh from behind me, shortly followed by a deep, masculine voice. "Brianna, when you asked me to come down and help y'all with your things, I didn't know you expected just us to do it for you." I turned to see my best friend, Jungkook, pulling two suitcases out from the back of the truck and coming towards me with them.

"It was implied," I said, looking down at him with a smile as he sat down the remaining suitcases beside me. He paused and looked at me sighing, "Spoiled bro," was the only words Jungkook could muster as he swept his hair back with his hands. Jungkook had been my best friend for as long as I could remember, and when I say that I mean middle school in Mrs. Reed's English class. We met sometime during my sixth-grade year, and his seventh-grade year of middle school and had been inseparable. We were just two badass kids who would constantly give that woman hell, but in our defense, she would constantly make borderline micro aggressive comments about my hair, or how Jungkook needed to "act his race," being he was one of the only Asian kids in our school at the time.

Jungkook is Korean American, and he stands at about 6'2 feet tall. He has deep brown hair, and over the past school year, he collected tattoos all up and down his left arm. Considering Jungkook's race, naturally, one would be confused as to why he chose to go to an HBCU, but when you're provided a good engineering scholarship that would allow you to go to school, have a good time, and be able to graduate without spending decades of paying off student debt? You, too, would decide that was the place for you. Jungkook was the main reason I applied and committed to HTSU; due to the plentiful stories he would tell me about his first year of college while I was back home completing my senior year.

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However, though Jungkook was of a different culture and race, he never crossed the line of cultural appropriation and appreciation. He knew better than to say certain words and wear or claim certain things, but naturally, as a kid that grew up in Dallas, TX, it was things he naturally grew up accustomed to. Jungkook's dialect was heavily influenced by his surroundings, along with his fashion sense, music taste, etc., but he knew that. For this reason, he didn't face much clap back from Black people for the way he held himself, considering we knew the difference between genuine admiration and mockery, but he would get some shit from non-black individuals who would question his authenticity. Yet, he never really seemed to care.

"Here, these are the last two," Jungkook said looking at me as he pushed a suitcase in my direction. Jungkook and I had been on this campus since 9 AM, helping movers move my items from the parking lot to my new dorm room all evening, and as we neared the final few, I felt it was only right I'd help. "Okay fine, I'll take these then since you clearly need the help," I responded, grabbing both suitcases and putting one in either hand. I could see Jungkook glaring at me, even though he used his hand to provide shade for his eyes. He sucked his teeth, pulling one of the suitcases from my grasp. "Aggravating," he said annoyed, turning to face the remaining movers as they approached us.

I couldn't help but laugh. His attitude was the worst, but it was just his natural personality. He was hot and frustrated, and admittedly my unhelpful ways were only making matters work. However, I knew he was not going to let me pull two suitcases alone anyhow, that just wasn't his nature. Leave it to him and I would not have to carry, buy, or be bothered by anything. That was just his love language in our relationship, even if his delivery was agitating at times.

"Alrighty ma'am, you're all set." One of the moving guys said to me, a smile prevalent on his face.

"Thank you kindly, how much do I owe you again? My father said it should be about $250." I asked, pulling my purse off my shoulder, and going for my wallet. "Yes ma'am. Your total is $246." I nodded, pulling my wallet out of my pocket.

"I got it." I heard Jungkook say off to the side of me, going to his back pocket and pulling out a black wallet. "No, it's fine. My dad already gave me the money-" I watched as Jungkook flipped through bills in his wallet before pulling out two hundred and a fifty, handing it to the guys before shoving it back in his pocket.

"Great, just a second for your change." The mover said.

"Nah it's cool. Thank you for helping us out, we appreciate it." Jungkook said, bidding the men farewell before they piled into the front of the truck and pulled away. Turning to Jungkook, I could tell my irritation was apparent on my face. He didn't even care, considering he looked at me with a smug expression.

"Stop doing that shit for real, I can manage stuff on my own," I snapped at Jungkook, seeing a small smirk appear on his lips. "Girl relax, nobody said you couldn't. If you care so much, just give me what your daddy gave you." he said, facing me completely with his hand waiting in front of him. I looked down at his hand, before looking back up to him rolling my eyes and putting my wallet back in my purse.

"Right, you don't care that much," He stated facing away from me. "In fact, I helped you. That little two-fifty can get you several meals from Chick-fil-A," he joked before grabbing my suitcase and walking away. I mugged him from behind before grabbing the other suitcase and trailing behind him toward my dorm room.

Upon our arrival at my dorm room, we could see the countless boxes of things the movers had not unpacked. As I walked inside, Jungkook took my suitcase from me and closed the door behind us before setting them in front of it. I looked around the sort of compact, yet spacious room, and smiled as I took it in.

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