Dear, Love.
Dear love first and foremost still your mind and still your heart I'm not going anywhere. I have thing to express and things to say. That's it nothing more nothing my polly pocket.;)
FIRST just know this isn't easy for me to be so open so unprotected. I'm vulnerable to you. Your the absolute biggest threat to me becouse your my weakness. Your where I have no defenses yet I've laid my heart open barren of its shell it's you to decide if it witnesses it's final death or if your breath new life into it again that being said I TRUST YOU. That trust does not come easy same as yours in my life I've had family hurt me family turn on me friend walk out friends who have hurt me. Lovers show and prove why I'm the second option not the first choice. Yet I trust you.
SECONDLY don't ever think for one second that you aren't wanted in my life your not just wanted kels your needed your chosen your the choice not the option.and for the record and 1 millionth time your not to and I have often made the reference we are each other's addiction I don't think that's a good enough description see addiction is mental illness and this is something that isn't mental. This is something pure or to me it is anyways.
THIRDLY. Kels I promise you I'm here for the long haul. Polly pocket I promise you arnt you be yourself your safe I promise. I promise your my attention as much as I possibly can. I promise every waking day your be a part of it for as long as you choose to be. I promise you to me you are the most beautiful heart the most beautifulestest woman outside inside diagonal criss cross whatever. No one else will remotely come close to have the attention you do. Something else I want promise you is your the last the forever the better half of a heart I didn't think still functioned. You see my writings and letters or what have you as a talent to paint a pics with words the quick dissipate after read. The truth is it's the only way i know to reach you you've studied for this and this passage here or letter whatever rrr lolbingave up being proper becouse emotions took over. Also I want nothing tangleable at the moment that can be bought. The fact you are yourself with me the fact you laugh the fact cry with me the simple fact that I can see the glorious Kelly without her defenses is the most expensive priceless gift I could ever hope to receive. I know you may mayyyybe see me as the hero to your version of this but I promise I'm not I'm the villian. See a hero would sacrifice one person to the world. ILL SACRIFICE THE WORLD TO SAVE THAT ONE PERSON.
Sincerely, The villian