Flying Squirrel (July 21, 2024)

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I woke up at 12:00 PM from my alarm.

Mom drove me to L's house, and she wasn't there so I waited for like 10 minutes in her backyard (her mom invited me in). Then she drove me and S to the flying squirrel, where we met up with R, J, O, S AKA the friendship corner :3

We jumped around, there was a play area where children crawl around through obstacles and stuff. We went there and just chilled in its ball pit area, and some kids came by and started attacking us with the plastic balls xD apparently one kid kept attacking R in the balls 😭 we had a good time for an hour and a half.

Then we went to S' house, and she has these 2 adorable kitties 🥺 they're so cute :0 We played a game that was like jackbox but in real life, we played jumbo jenga from blocks that S and O made at school, then headbanz. We ate pizza outside, and I also played a lil piano (which was incredibly dusty lol). It was so good to hang out though, I love my friends so much!

L drove me home, then I mostly chilled and edited.

It is now 3:21 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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