Out Of The Frying Pan...

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The sound of crashing waves sent Izuku into a state of slight confusion. His eyes flickered open. Staring up into an orange sky, Izuku slowly got up and looked around. Golden sand beneath him. Waves crashing onto the sand before retreating back. A white gazebo attached to a small pier.

Izuku's brows furrowed as he immediately recognized this place. 'Takoba Beach?' He thought, confused and on high alert. He shouldn't be here. How did he even get back?

"It was quite difficult to create a familiar environment for you." A serious, yet regal voice spoke up. "I hope this one does not bring much pain. It was the best I could think of,"

Izuku looked around his surroundings, trying to pinpoint the location of the speaker. He spun around, looking everywhere to find the person speaking, but was unable to spot anyone. "Who's there?" He questioned.

"It's been difficult to get in contact with you, seeing as you don't sleep. I'm surprised a Human even has that endurance, but I guess your Sacre- Apologies. Your Quirks must give you added benefits." The voice sighed, only further confusing Izuku. "You're going to wake up soon. No matter. You're reaching the next stage soon, then we can finally have a proper chat,"

Izuku kept spinning around. The voice was everywhere, surrounding him. "Where are you?" He whispered to himself.

Then he saw it.

Something was rising out of the water, and it was big. Really big. So big that it blocked out the small sun in the distance, coating it in shadows. Izuku was unable to see what the thing was, but he knew one thing for certain.

It was getting closer and closer.

"Who are you?" Izuku asked, taking a small step back. It wasn't out of fear however. For some reason, he didn't think this creature was a threat, instead it felt like...

Like it was a part of him

The shadow leaned until its giant head was in front of Izuku. And the boy could only watch as a single draconic blue eye opened, staring into his soul.

"Hello, Partner"


Izuku let out a small yell as he shot out of his bed, sweat dripping down his forehead. With ragged breaths, he looked around the Hyoudou's guest room he was staying in. Once he realized he was just dreaming, he calmed down back to his neutral look.

Izuku shook his head, still trying to wrap his head around what just happened. He believed it to be a dream, but it didn't feel like that. The closest thing he could compare it was with the Vestige world. It felt slightly different, but Izuku still felt that core aspect.

But he didn't understand why he got that feeling. One for All only had 9 users: 8 Vestiges and him. So it didn't make any sense why there was something else.

Unless it wasn't to do with OFA. That figure was huge, larger than any recorded lizard or draconic Quirk. And its shape only added to that. He didn't believe whatever that was to be a human originally.

Izuku's mind drifted towards Divine Dividing, the new power he unlocked when first fighting the Devils. Was it just a new power, or was there something lurking inside of it, wanting to make contact. It talked about reaching the next stage, whatever that meant. Not to mention it called him Partner.

Izuku sighed and pinched the bridge of his eyes. He'd need to try and find some information on this power. The only problem is that he wasn't back in his world. He couldn't look up different types of Quirks online and analyze them. He was completely in the dark on this one.

Izuku leaned to the side, getting ready to get out of the bed, but he stopped when he saw Issei lying on a blanket next to him. He watched as the boy's chest gently rose and fell with every breath he took.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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